to do不定式的用法总结 动词不定式的用法总结( 三 )

瑞贝卡浪费学习时间和朋友出去瞎混,她第二天的测试一定不会及格的 。
“应该如何做/何时做/何地做/做哪些事…” 。
How do I know what to do and what not to do?
What to do is one question, and how to do it is quite another.
应该做什么和应该怎样做是完全不同的两个问题 。
We haven’t decided where to go for lunch. 我们还没有决定去哪里午餐 。
There are so many fancy cars on display here that I don’t know which to buy.
有这么多的豪华汽车在此展出,我不知要买哪一辆才好 。
I don’t know which advise to follow.
不晓得该听谁的劝告 。
How to begin is more difficult than where to stop.
如何着手远比在何处结束来得困难 。
The problem is when to get the money we need.
问题是什么时候能得到我们所需要的钱 。
I have no other wish except to pass the examination.
我除了要通过考试之外,没有别的心愿 。
1, ... too ... to ...
说明︰意为“太…而(使某人)不能…” 。
He walked too slowly to catch up with me.
他走得太慢而不能跟上我 。
It is too dark in this room for me to read a book.
房间太暗,使我无法看书 。
This problem is too difficult for them to settle.
这对他们来说真是一个难解的问题 。
The price is too low for customers to believe.
价格低得令顾客难以相信 。
He is too young a boy to do it.
他还太小,无法做这事 。
He has too much work on hand to go picnicking with us.
他手头的工作太多了 , 不能跟我们去野餐 。
I am only too glad to accept your kind invitation.
我非常高兴地接受你的邀请 。
He is only too willing to serve friends.
他极愿为朋友效劳 。
2, ADJ/ADV + enough to ...
说明︰此句型意为“足以…” 。
We need several men strong enough to do the work.
我们需要几个强壮得足以做这件工作的人 。
They bought a house large enough for ten persons to live in.
我们买了一栋房子 , 大得足以供十个人住 。
He is competent enough to fill that position.
他足以胜任那职位 。
He ran fast enough to catch the thief.
他跑得飞快,足以抓住那小偷 。
Our teacher is old enough to retire.
我们老师年纪已够得上退休了 。
3, ... be good enough to ...
说明︰此句型意为“请你…好吗?” 。语气较客气 。
Would you be good enough to turn the radio down a bit?
Would you be good enough to keep silent?
Would you be good enough to move a bit to the right?
4, ... enough + N + to do ...
说明︰此句型意为“有足够的…可以做…” 。
He has enough money (=money enough) to buy a car.
他有足够的钱买一辆汽车 。
It is a pity that he doesn’t have enough money to sponsor the project.
遗憾的是他没有足够的钱来支持这项计划 。
5,... only to do ...
说明︰此句型意为“竟然…;却…” 。表示与先前的努力相反的结果,一般用在句尾 。
He studied hard only to fail in the exam.
他这么用功,结果竟然考场失利 。
He rushed all the way to the station only to miss the train.
他一路冲往车站,结果还是错过了火车 。
I went out, merely to get caught in a shower.
我跑出去,结果徒然碰到一场骤雨 。
6, ... have only to do ...
