英国猪肉生产产量进一步减少 英国肉类产量

英国猪肉生产产量进一步减少 英国肉类产量

UK - According to the latest figures released from Defra, at 865,100 head, UK clean pig slaughterings were back 5 per cent during October compared to the same month last year.This allows for adjustments to the 2015 data to take account of the change in reporting methodology adopted by Defra earlier this year.This was the third consecutive month of falling throughputs. Average carcase weights were on a par with last year’s figures during the month, decreasing by a modest 0.2kg on September to 81.8kg. With UK pig prices remaining buoyant, the reduction in slaughterings backs up reports of tightening supplies on the market.
根据英国农业及园伊⒅(Defra)公开的最新数字显示,与去年同期相比,英国阉割公猪出栏量在十月下降5%,达到86.51万头 。考虑到英国农业及园伊⒅在年初采用的报告分析主意有些改变,这里也对2015年数据做了调整 。十月是猪肉总产量持续下滑的第三个月 。十月均匀胴体分量与去年同期持平,九月同比小幅减少0.2kg,达到81.8kg 。英国猪价依然保持上涨趋势,出栏量减少,验证了市场供应紧缩的报告 。
【英国猪肉生产产量进一步减少 英国肉类产量】
