

英语作文是考试中得分占比比较大的一个重要环节,写作水平的好坏直接影响总分 。为了让大家在英语作文中得到更好的发挥,本文将为大家介绍一些常用的英语高考作文万能句子,希望能够帮助大家取得满意的成绩 。
1. It is widely believed that…
2. Nowadays, there is a growing concern about…
3. It is generally acknowledged that…
4. With the development of society/economy/culture, more and more people are…
5. As is shown in the picture, …
1. To begin with, …
2. It is well-known that…
3. The issue/problem of … has caused a heated debate/discussion.
      ……的问题已引起了激烈的辩论/讨论 。
4. There is no consensus among people on the issue of …
      在……问题上,人们没有达成共识 。
5. Recently, there has been an increasing concern over the issue of …
      最近,人们对……问题越来越关注 。
1. There are several reasons why …
2. The main reason for … is that…
3. Another factor/cause which contributes/leads to (/results in) … is …
4. A significant factor/cause/reason behind … is …
5. The main causes for … are …
1. There are both advantages and disadvantages of …
      ……既有利又有弊 。
2. On the one hand, … On the other hand, …
3. Although … has its own drawbacks/limitations, it still brings about many benefits/advantages.
      虽然……有其局限性/缺点,但它仍然带来了许多好处/优势 。
4. It is hard to say whether … is good or bad because it depends on different circumstances/situations.
      说……好还是坏很难,因为它取决于不同的环境/情况 。
【英语高考作文万能句子:助您写就高分作文】5. When it comes to …, people have different opinions.
      说到……,人们有不同的看法 。
1. In conclusion,/To conclude,/To sum up,/All in all, …
2. From what has been discussed above,/Taking into account all the factors mentioned above, …
3. In my opinion, …
4. To make a long story short, …
