EU - The European slaughter pig market appears to be mostly constant this week.Meanwhile, many market participants have lost faith in the possibility of a price increase. As a result, the German quotation stagnated on Wednesday, for the first instance, on the level achieved: a corrected 1.47 euros per kg slaughter weight.In the majority of EU member countries, the quotations followed with unchanged prices, among them the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, and Austria. The corrected British quotation maintained its level because of currency fluctuations.
欧洲生猪屠宰市场在本周宛然表现的十分稳定 。与此同时 , 许多市场参加者对价格上涨的约摸性已经不抱希翼 。因此 , 德国报价在周三摇晃不定 , 这也是德国报价首席次在已达到的价格水平停滞不前 , 即按屠宰重修正后的1.47欧元/公斤 。欧盟大多数成员国的报价没有变幻 。其中有荷兰、丹麦、比利时和奥地利 。英国由于汇率变动 , 修正了现有价格水平 。
- 才涨3天猪价为何又下跌 猪价连涨3天
- 需求疲软仍占市场主导 猪价涨幅有限
- 网友总结的猪价波动规律 一目了然!
- 市场利好开始增多 猪价已经迎来上涨机会
- 猪价持续下跌何时涨 猪价止跌上涨
- 猪价涨跌调整 黑龙江地区跌破16元/公斤
- 屠宰企业压价 节后猪价小幅下降
- 供需双方观望情绪浓厚 多省生猪价格企稳调整
- 猪价逐渐止跌转稳 行情走势趋于震荡调整
- 北方猪价整体稳定 南方局部地区猪价小涨