AUSTRALIA - A large project aiming to improve the ability of producers to monitor disease prevalence in their livestock, and make informed on-farm decisions to manage the health status and improve productivity and profitability is nearing completion of its first stage.The first stage of this project involves the development of business cases across the beef, goatmeat, pork and sheepmeat supply chains to demonstrate the value of recording and reporting carcase and offal animal health information by processors to producers.
澳大利亚(Australia)展开了一个大型项目 , 其首席阶段即将尽成 , 项目旨在提高生产商对牲畜患病率的监控能力 , 并让生产商做出能够掌握健康状态和提高牲畜生产能力及效率的精明决心 。该项目的首席阶段涉及了整个牛肉 , 山羊肉、猪肉和绵羊肉供应链的业务拓展 , 由加工商记录和报告牲畜胴体与内脏的健康信息 , 并向生产商论证其价值 。
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