网络用语逆行者什么意思 逆行者什么意思( 二 )

有鉴于此,翻译“逆行者”不仅要考虑字词的相互对应 , 更需观照它作为汉语流行词所含有的特殊意蕴 , 所以,关于“逆行者”的释义,应是一个群体由于职责和信念所系,在发生危险时不顾个人安危,反而迎着危险向人流相反的方向行进去拯救他人生命和财产的人 。英语的对应词可选择counter和march 。

网络用语逆行者什么意思 逆行者什么意思

根据Merriam-Webster Dictionary(《韦氏词典》),counter作为形容词的意义是“marked by or tending toward or in an opposite direction or effect”(方向或效果相反的);作为前缀的意义是contrary ;opposite(相反;反向) 。march作为动词的意义是to move along steadily usually with a rhythmic stride and in step with others(步调一致地行进) 。counter表示方向的相反,如counterclockwise(逆时针方向) 。march可用作动词或名词,常用于表示军队或团体的行进或行军 。这两个词可搭配为词组counter march,也可作为合成词countermarch , 即“逆行” 。
那么,如何切换“逆行者”的“者”呢?由于march加后缀er不能表示行者的意义,故需另加一个表示“者”的词,person或people比较适合 。综上 , “逆行者”可译成countermarch person(单数)或countermarch people (复数),countermarching person/people(进行时) 。“最帅逆行者”可译为the smartest countermarching people,“最美逆行者”译成the most beautiful countermarching people 。
网络用语逆行者什么意思 逆行者什么意思

与此同时,笔者也留意到国内外英语媒体有关“逆行者”的一些译例 , 如有报道将其翻译为“不同于平民跑的方向,一头冲往灾害的英雄”,或者“逆向奔跑的最美丽的人” 。例如Shanghai Daily (上海日报)有一编者按的译例为:Editor's note: Many Shanghai medical workers are already in or on their way to support Wuhan, a city now severely stricken by the novel coronavirus outbreak. They are called "the most beautiful people who are going in the reverse direction than most others"by the public. They are combating the new epidemic on the frontline to protect people in the nation. Some of them shared their work experience in Wuhan with Shanghai Daily.(编者按:许多上海医护工作者已经在支援武汉的路上,现在该城是新冠病毒暴发的重灾区 。公众称他们为“最美丽的逆行者” 。他们正在前线奋力抗击新冠病毒流行?。;ぶ泄拿裰?。他们中一些人与上海日报分享了工作经历 。)
China Daily (中国日报)的译例是:The Bravest is a movie that salutes the heroes who rushed headfirst into the disaster, unlike civilians who ran the other way. If you want to know more about firefighters' jobs and lives, it's the film for you this summer.(如果你想更多地了解消防队员的工作和生活,这部向最美的“逆行者”致敬的影片,这个暑假不应在大屏幕上错过 。)
以上两例都用了一两句话来解释,而不是严格对应切换中文的“逆行者” 。可见,通过“意译”更能“达意” 。
网络用语逆行者什么意思 逆行者什么意思

中国外交部部长王毅在第56届慕尼黑安全会议上的演讲中也提到了“逆行者” 。他说:“科技人员不眠不休投入工作,不到7天就成功分离病毒毒株并研制出检测试剂 。一百多支医疗队、两万多名医护人员从全国各地向湖北重灾区集结,被誉为当代‘最美逆行者’ 。所有医护人员以高度的职业素养,夜以继日奋斗在救治一线,冒着被感染的危险拯救病人的生命,透支自己的健康,守护他人的安宁 。”新华社的译文是:Scientists and researchers, who have been working day and night, isolated the first virus strain and developed the test reagent in less than seven days. Hailed as heroes in harm's way , over 20,000 healthcare workers in 100 plus medical teams converged in Hubei, the hardest hit province, from across the nation to support epidemic control. Exemplifying professional dedication, all medical workers are saving and protecting lives around the clock despite the risk of infection and exhaustion from overwork.其中的“最美逆行者”被意译为“Hailed as heroes in harm's way”,即“被誉为身处险境的英雄” 。
