if的虚拟语气用法大全 if的虚拟语气用法

if的虚拟语气用法大全 if的虚拟语气用法

(1)一般普通假设,不属于虚拟语气 。If you study hard now, you will be a successful man.
if 引导从句为一般现在时,主句为将来时 。
(2)与现在事实相反的假设,虚拟语气 。If I were you, I would join them.
if 引导从句为一般过去式,主句为would/could/should/might+动词原形 。
(3)与过去事实相反的假设,虚拟语气 。If I had got there earlier, I should have met her.
if 引导从句为过去完成时 , 主句为would/could/should/might+ have +动词过去分词 。
if的虚拟语气用法大全 if的虚拟语气用法

我们今天着重学习的内容是if 引导从句为过去完成时 , 表示与过去事实相反的假设,虚拟语气;主句为would/could/should/might+ have +动词过去分词 。
有一件事发生在过去,这件事已经成为事实,现在我们假设在过去的时候,又另外一种情况出现的话,又会有什么样的结果 。那么由if引导的从句就是这种与过去事实相反的虚拟或假设 。
if 从句是一种虚拟的条件或假设,和过去事实相反的 。
从句: had + 动词过去分词
主句:would/could/should/might+ have +动词过去分词
(1)If I had remembered the answer, I should have got better grade.
译文:如果我记得答案,我应该会得到一个更好的分数 。
从句:If I had remembered the answer,过去完成时(had + 动词过去分词),had +remembered ~
主句: I should have got better grade , would +现在完成时(have + 动词过去分词),would have got~
分析:首先考试这件事情发生在过去,并且我的成绩考得不好也是事实 。这里对过去进行假设 , 假设另外一种情况——我记得那个答案,推测假设的结果——得到更高一点的分数 。if 引导的对过去事实假设的虚拟语气 。
(2)If he had taken my advice, he would not have made such a mistake.
译文:如果他采纳了我的建议 , 他就不会犯这样的错误 。
从句:If he had taken my advice,过去完成时(had + 动词过去分词),had +taken ~
主句: he would not have made such a mistake,would +现在完成时(have + 动词过去分词) , would have made ~
分析:事情发生在过去,事实上他没有采取我的建议 。现在假设另外一种情况——他采取了我的建议,那么结果——他不会犯这样的错误 。对过去客观存在的事实一种假设,以及推测其可能发生的结果 。if 引导的对过去事实假设的虚拟语气 。
If he ____ ( study ) harder, he might have passed the exam.
If there ____ (be ) a heavy snow, we ____ (not go )skating.
If I ____ (get ) there earlier , I ____ (meet ) her.
If I were you, Mrs Gretchen, I just wouldn’t worry about it
要是我是你,格蕾琴夫人 , 我一点都不会担心 。
If you went into town, you’d notice all the pubs have loud jukeboxes
如果你进了城,你会注意到所有的酒吧都有音量很大的自动点唱机 。
If he improved his IT skills, he’d (= he would) easily get a job.
他如果提高了自己的信息技术技能,就会容易找到工作 。
You would know what was going on if you’d (= you had) listened.
你若是注意听了,就会知道发生什么事了 。
They would have been here by now if they’d caught the early train.
假若他们赶上了早班火车,现在就该到这里了 。
