winter怎么读 wine怎么读

Grape 释义:葡萄
音标:英 [ɡre?p] 美 [ɡre?p]

1、The colouring pigments from the skins are not allowed to bleed into the grape juice.
外皮上的色素不能渗到葡萄汁里面去 。
2、The grape vine climbed up along the wall.
葡萄藤沿墙攀缘而上 。
3、Grape Valley where the mountain field around the monuments for the Jieshi Shan another meet.
葡萄沟所在的山场周围,为碣石山中的名胜古迹又一荟萃之地 。
4、The grapes will soon be ripe. let's speed up our preparations for the grape harvest.
葡萄快熟了,得上紧准备收摘了 。
5、The storm has blasted our grape.
暴风雨毁了我们的葡萄 。
6、Each grape means a good month in the new year!
每粒葡萄象征着新年的每个月 。
7、Discussion on Classification and Relationship of Chinese Wild Species of Grape.
8、A Study on the Factors Caused Softening of Sweet Grape Can.
9、Analysis on the Way to Cluster Enterprise of Turpan Grape and Policy Environment.
10、It will demonstrate the process of growing grape and making wine.
它将用来展示葡萄的成长过程及酿酒的过程 。
11、Mass production of wine grape has been scale in Yun'nan plateau.
云南高原酿酒葡萄种植已初具规模 。
12、Grape seed extract the most prominent biological activity showed antioxidant activity.
葡萄籽提取物最突出的生物活性表现为抗氧化活性 。
13、Effect of Different Shaping Modes on Photosynthesis and Quality of Grape in Greenhouse.
14、Research Progress on Postharvest Physiology and Storage Technique of Grape.
15、Study on the Dissolution Effect of Different Treatment on Polyphenols from Skin of Grape.
16、It will demonstrate the process of growing grape and making wine.
它将用来展示葡萄的成长过程及酿酒的过程 。
17、Analysis of physicochemical properties and composition of grape seed oil.
【winter怎么读 wine怎么读】葡萄籽油理化特性及组成分析的研究.
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