

?passed和past虽然都含有经过的意思,发音也相同,但前者是动词pass的过去时 , 而后者是介词,副词等,要想在听力中辨别开来,应该从语义上来理解 。今天我们就先学习一下past的具体用法 。

1.done, used, or experienced before now.以前的,过去的,曾经的,这时past仅用于名词前 。例如:
?Judging by her past performance, Jane should do very well.
从以往的表现来看,简应该会干得很好 。
?From past experience she knew that it was no use arguing with him.
根据过去的经验 , 她知道和他争论是没有用的 。
?Study some past exam papers to get an idea of the questions.
仔细看看以前的一些考卷,了解一下考题 。
2.used to refer to a period up until now最近的、刚过去的 。同样仅用于名词前 。
?the events of the past year
?During the past two weeks, 12 people have died of the disease.
过去两周内已有12人死于这种疾病 。
?She has been feeling tired for the past few days.
这些天来她一直感到疲倦 。
3.finished or having come to an end 完成的;结束的
?Winter is past and spring has come at last.
冬天过去,春天终于来临 。
?writers from past centuries.
前几个世纪的作家 。
?a tradition rooted in times long past.

past除了当做形容词使用外还可以当做一个介词或副词 , 一般也是仅用于名词前 。
1.later than a particular time晚于;在…之后
?It’s ten past nine.
现在是九点十分 。
?I should be finished by half past (= 30 minutes after the hour ) .
我应该可以在30分钟之后完成 。
?It was past midnight when the party ended.
派对结束的时候已经过了午夜 。
?Come on Annie, it’s long past your bedtime.
快点,安妮,早就过了你的上床时间了 。
2.further than a particular place 在…的更远处
?The hospital’s just up this road, about a mile past the school.
医院就在这条路上,经过学校再往前约一英里 。
?There are parking spaces over there, just past (= a little further than ) the garage.
那边有停车位,就在那个车库过去一点的地方 。
3.up to and beyond a person or place, without stopping 经过,越过
?She waved as she drove past.
她开车经过的时候挥了挥手 。
?Will you be going past my house on your way home?
?straight/right past (=used to emphasize that someone passes close to you and does not stop)
?Monica hurried straight past me and down the steps.
莫妮卡从我身边匆匆经过,走下了台阶 。
4.if a period of time goes past, it passes〔一段时间〕过去
?Weeks went past without any news.
几周过去了,一点消息也没有 。
?The hours seemed to fly past.
几个小时一晃而过 。
5.beyond or no longer at a particular point or stage 过了,不再处于〔某一点或某一阶段〕
?The roses were already past their best.
玫瑰花已经败了 。
?Reid never really got past the stage of copying other artists.
里德从未真正脱离模仿其他艺术家的阶段 。
?a pot of yoghurt well past its sell-by date
?an Italian singer who was then past her prime (= no longer strong and active )
