soldiers怎么读什么意思 soldiers怎么读( 二 )

an accident that happens when two vehicles hit each other with force
1. The car was wrecked by its collision with a big lorry. 这辆小轿车是由于和大卡车相撞而碰毁的 。
2. This collision had a very unusual cause. 这次冲突有着非同寻常的原因 。
12. restrict [r??str?kt]
n./vt.限制 , 限定 , 约束
to limit the movements or actions of someone, or to limit something and reduce its size or prevent it from increasing
1. He feels this new law will restrict his freedom. 他觉得这一新法律会限制他的自由 。
2. Don't restrict her proper activities.不要拘束她的正当活动 。
13. thrust [θr?st]
to push suddenly and strongly
1. They thrust themselves into the house. 他们闯进了这间屋子 。
2. They thrust their way through the dense crowd. 他们挤过密集的人群 。
14. recovery [r??k?v?ri]
the process of getting back something lost , especially health , ability , possessions,
1. The doctors said that his recovery was a miracle. 医生说他的复原是个奇迹 。
2. The quick recovery was truly in response to medication. 这次迅速康复确实是对药物治疗的反应 。
15. inward [??nw?d]
on or towards the inside
1. I understand your inward thoughts. 我了解你内心的思想 。
2. I sighed with inward relief. 我心里舒了一口气 。
16. prohibit [pr??h?b?t]
vt.禁止;阻止 , 使不可能
to officially forbid (= refuse to allow ) something
1. Laws must be put through to prohibit this act. 必须通过法律来制止这种作法 。
2. Swimming after drinking is strictly prohibited. 严禁酒后下水 。
17. extension [?k?sten?n]
n.伸长 , 扩大,伸展;延长,延期;延长部分 , 扩大部分;电话分机
when something reaches , stretches or continues ; when you add to something in order to make it bigger or longer
1. The pupils disliked the extension of the term. 小学生们不愿延长学期 。
2. Our extension is nearly finished. 我们的扩建部分已接近完工 。
18. secure [s??kj??(r)]
positioned or fixed firmly and correctly and therefore not likely to move , fall or break
1. He found a secure foothold and pulled himself up. 他找到了一个稳固的踏脚处并爬了上去 。
2. Extra men are needed to secure the camp against attack. 需要增加兵力以保护军营免受攻击 。
19. crucial [?kru:?l]
adj.极重要的,决定性的 , 关键性的
extremely important or necessary
1. It's a crucial decision. 这是一个极其重要的决定 。
2. The foreign market was increasingly crucial. 国外市场越来越重要了 。
20. conquer [?k??k?(r)]
vt.克服,征服,战胜 , 占领;vi.得胜
to take control or possession of foreign land , or a group of people , by force
1. There is always one thing to conquer another. 一物降一 物 。
2. Will can conquer habit. 意志能战胜习惯 。

soldiers怎么读什么意思 soldiers怎么读
