becomes什么意思中文意思 becomes是什么意思

becomes什么意思中文意思 becomes是什么意思

【becomes什么意思中文意思 becomes是什么意思】[Photo/Pexels]
“得道多助 , 失道寡助”,出自《孟子·公孙丑下》 。“道”即道义、正义(morality and justice) 。中国人自古推崇道义,认为道义是决定战争或事业成败的根本力量 。
“得道多助,失道寡助”意思是“只有奉行道义,才能赢得内部的团结一致、赢得民心(only by upholding justice can one achieve internal unity and popular support);否则就将不得人心,从而陷入孤立无援的境地(otherwise, popular support is lost and the ruler or leader becomes isolated and helpless) 。
这句话可以翻译为“A just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little support” 。
得道多助,你本应明白这个道理,我对你很失望 。
You should have understood that a just cause enjoys abundant support. I’m very disappointed in you.
Editor: Jade
