Muffin-top指腰间被裤子或裙子腰线勒出来下垂的赘肉,看上去像松糕顶部溢出纸托的样子 。
love handles
“Love handles” is an informal term for deposits of excess fat at the side of one’s waistline.
Love handles是描述腰部赘肉的一种口头说法 。
Think about it. When your boyfriend wraps his arms around you, he can hold on to these like handles?!
a spare tire
A spare tire is a tire-like shape around the midsection 。
像轮胎一样凸出的腰部 。
Maybe you have your own cute name for your small potbelly.也许你可以给你的小肚腩取个更可爱的名字 。
When you sit down you 100% get rolls.
当你坐下来的时候,肚子上会生成一层层的褶子,万试万灵 。
You don’t get the loads of little rolls thing that people with flat stomachs get.诶,不过不是那种很多很多的小小的褶子哦,那是有平坦腹肌的人们才有的哦 。
You get two to three proper handful rolls.你的是那种两到三层很扎实的一抓一大把的褶子 。
广告总是问 , “你是否有着顽固的腹部脂肪?”
才没有!我的小肚子特别柔软,一拳一个褶子 。
Your tummy rolls could comfortably hold a pencil, or maybe a TV remote.你的肚皮褶子可以很轻松地夹住一根铅笔,或者一个遥控器 。
羞愤难当的你决定减肥 。
我们约会吧 , 然后再分手,这样我就能伤心地变瘦了 。
You’ve definitely tried to commit to doingsome kind ofsit-up routine everyday.你下定决心要每天做仰卧起坐 。
And then decided on day two that this was a terrible idea.
然后,第二天决定这想法太糟糕 。
Or you read about what it actually takes to get a flat stomach and cradle your SPB, whispering sweet nothings to it.或者你读到了人们费了多大的劲才练出腹肌,于是你抱着自己的小肚子,轻轻地对它说着情话 。
不减掉一些肉 , 怎么好意思上健身房?
我该去当侦探 , 因为我总能找回我减掉的体重 。
In the right dress you could maybe fool people into thinkingthat you have a totally flat stomach.如果穿对了裙子,你其实可以骗过人们的眼睛 , 然他们觉得你肚子是很平很平的 。
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