so和such的区别及用法that so和such的区别及用法( 二 )

他挽起她的手臂,带她匆匆上了楼,这样别人就听不见他们说的话了 。
He's bought a specially big TV at vast expense so that everyone can see properly
他花大价钱买了一台特别大的电视机 , 这样每个人都能看清楚 。
He had to bring forward an 11 o'clock meeting so that he could get to the funeral on time
他不得不把11点的会议提前,这样他就可以准时赶去参加葬礼 。
so that前后是两个完整的句子 。In order to(常常放句首)或 so as to(常常放句末)要灵活的多 。
In order to ensure success we must have a complete and thorough plan.
为了保证成功 , 我们必须要有一个周密的计划 。
In order to reach this limit a number of technical problems will have to be solved.
要达到这个限度,还有很多技术问题必须解决 。
Write home as often as possible so as to relieve your mother from anxiety.
尽量多给家里写信,免得你母亲牵肠挂肚 。

so和such的区别及用法that so和such的区别及用法

Let's turn in early, so as to get up early tomorrow to catch the train.
今儿早点睡 , 明儿好早起赶火车 。
Kemp knocked loudly so as to be heard above the high babble of voices
肯普大声敲着,好让人们在一片高声喧嚷中听到他的声音 。
so…that…意为“如此……以至于……”,so是副词,常常用来修饰形容词和副词,that引导结果状语从句(that也可以省略),在前后两个主语是同一个人或物时常和too…to…结构互换 。
She spoke so quietly (that) I could hardly hear her.
她说话轻得我几乎听不见 。
The programme has been so organized that none of the talks overlap.
日程做了精心安排,以使每一讲都没有重复内容 。
The tears were streaming so fast she could not see
眼泪哗哗地流下来,她的视线一下子就模糊了 。
She is so beautiful that all boys want to make friends with her. 她是如此的美丽以至于所有的男孩们都想和她做朋友 。
My sister is too young to go to school. 我妹妹是如此的小以至于不能去上学 。=My sister is so young that she can't go to school.
He is too busy to stay with his children. 他太忙了 , 没有时间陪孩子 。=He is so busy that he can’t stay with his children.
在such…that…中such是限定词,修饰名词 。
He's such a genius that I admire him.
他真是个天才 , 我佩服他 。
It's such a boring lecture that all audience felt sleepy.
这讲座太无聊了,所有的听众都昏昏欲睡了 。
I drank such a lot of coffeethat I was still wide awake at two in the morning.
我喝了这么多咖啡,以至于凌晨两点还没睡 。
It was such delicious foodthat I’ll never forget its taste.
这是如此美味的食物 , 我永远不会忘记它的味道 。
It was so exciting a trip that we will never forget.=
It was such an exciting trip that we will never forget.
这是一次激动人心的旅行,我们永远不会忘记 。
He is so shy a boy that he always has few words.=
He is such a shy boy that he always has few words.
他是个害羞的男孩,总是很少说话 。
注意,名词前面是many/much/few/little,不用such , 用so:
My garden was covered with so many butterflies that I could hardly see the flowers.
我的花园里飞舞着很多蝴蝶 , 我几乎看不见花了 。
They bought so much beef that some went bad.
他们买了太多牛肉 , 有些都变质了 。
My hometown had changed so much that I could hardly recognize it.
故乡变化太大了 , 我几乎认不出来了 。
