娚奻的读音是 河南荥阳怎么读

娚奻的读音是 河南荥阳怎么读

757th article 第757期双语推文
娚奻的读音是 河南荥阳怎么读

Photo: Xu Zongfu

娚奻的读音是 河南荥阳怎么读

NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.
Xingyang is positioned as a beautiful ecological bastion in western Zhengzhou. On sunny days, the roads are smooth, clear, and surrounded with impressive scenery. As night falls, the streets are ablaze with colorful lights as the moon shines brightly in the night sky. In the past five years, Xingyang has been actively exploring and bravely applying a strategy of innovation-driven development to maintain sustainable economic growth with every inch of its 908 square kilometers of land.
定位“郑州西美”的荥阳,晴空万里时,景明路畅、万物焕彩;随风入夜时,明月生辉、流光溢彩 。近五年,荥阳市积极探索、勇于实践、创新赋能、行稳致远,将高质量发展深深铭刻在这908平方公里辖区的每一寸土地上……

娚奻的读音是 河南荥阳怎么读

Photo: Xu Zongfu, Ding Youming
In 2020, the gross domestic product (GDP) of Xingyang totaled 54.6 billion yuan, 1.37 times that of 2015, while its per capita GDP was 80,000 yuan, 1.27 times that of 2015. Its per capita disposable income reached 30,149 yuan, up 42 percent from 2015. Xingyang has been steadily promoting the transformation of its industry, accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system and promoting high-quality development in the manufacturing sector. The added value of the equipment manufacturing industry has increased by 94.9%, making it one of China’s top 100 industrial county-level cities for five consecutive years.
2020年,荥阳全市地区生产总值546亿元,是2015年的1.37倍;人均地区生产总值8万元,是2015年的1.27倍;居民人均可支配收入30149元,比2015年增长42% 。产业转型步伐稳?。执堤逑导涌旃菇?nbsp;, 制造业高质量发展深入推进,装备制造业增加值累计增长94.9%,连续五届上榜“全国工业百强县” 。

娚奻的读音是 河南荥阳怎么读

Photo: Xu Zongfu
During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, Xingyang attracted 73.89 billion yuan of funding from both overseas and domestic sources, 1.5 times that of the 12th Five-Year Plan period. With the continuous enhancement of its innovation capacity, Xingyang was rated as one of the top 100 county-level cities in the nation for investment potential and one of the top 100 county-level cities for scientific and technological innovation. It spent 1.12% of its GDP on R&D, 3.4 times greater than during the 12th Five-Year Plan period. Since the 12th Five-Year Plan period ended, Xingyang has more than 6.5 times the high-tech enterprises with 85 companies, and has doubled the number of technology-based enterprises to 309. The number of patent applications and grants reached 7,067 and 4,396 respectively, with an annual increase of 9.1 percent and 3.5 percent.
“十三五”时期,荥阳引进域外境内资金738.9亿元,是“十二五”期间的1.5倍 。创新能力不断增强 , 全社会研发投入强度达到1.12%,是“十二五”期间的3.4倍;高新技术企业85家,是“十二五”期间的6.5倍;科技型企业309家,是“十二五”期间的两倍;专利申请量、授权量分别达到7067件、4396件 , 年均增长9.1%、3.5% , 获评全国投资潜力百强县(市)、科技创新百强县(市) 。
