andy英语怎么说读 andy英文怎么读

各位周末快乐,周末没有金句,因此我们还是照例对全文进行讲解 。林书豪不是中国人 , 但他的出现让中国球迷眼前一亮 。因为在此之前 , 我们都以为黄种人只能像NBA输出中锋 。林的出现,让大家意识到 , 黄种人也可以像白人一样有力量,像黑人一样灵活 。

andy英语怎么说读 andy英文怎么读

4:39 英语麦克风1217 来自外语学习资源
I think going into free agency, one of my biggest priorities was to give myself a chance to see how good I could be. And, I think the last four years since New York has just been in situations that you know, have been really good learning experiences but they’ve been, you know, but I haven’t really felt like I was able to do everything that I’m capable of or you know, contribute the way I wanted to. So, you know, talking to Kenny Atkinson and Sean and getting to know them and their vision, you know, I think for me, the big thing was their vision.
1. one of的连读 , 如果不连读就会显得过于一本正经,句子的语速也会受到影响;
2. priorities的重音在o上面,并且在i和o之间存在一个双元音到单元音的过度,注意发音平滑;
3. give myself在放在一起的时候,很容易把give的v和self的f读的太重 , 应该读成纯轻音,声带不震动;
4. how good I could be两个d都可吞音;
5. experiences之后需要断句,后面的but之后都是另一层意思了;
6. you know的处理,这几天由于都是原始口语的材料,里面you know出现了多次,读的时候需要把它当做口头禅,不能太过于重读;
7. I’m capable of,要一口连下来,不要在of之前断句;
8. I wanted to , 连读的时候发音类似于I wanned to;
9. getting to连读的时候getting的t需要浊化,而to可以轻读成te 。
【andy英语怎么说读 andy英文怎么读】
andy英语怎么说读 andy英文怎么读
