goat怎么读 goats怎么读

goat怎么读 goats怎么读

The farm
My uncle is a farmer.
我叔叔是个农民 。
He lives on a farm.
他住在农场里 。
He has many different types of animals.
他养了许多不同类型的动物 。
In the barn, there are horses and cows.
畜棚里有马和牛 。
The cows swish the flies away from themselves with their tails.
母牛用尾巴把苍蝇赶走 。
goat怎么读 goats怎么读

It sounds very loud if a cow says “moo” when you are standing there.
当你站在那里的时候 , 如果一头牛说“哞”的话,声音会很响 。
The cows eat the grass from my uncle’s field.
奶牛吃我叔叔田里的草 。
He gets milk from the cows.
【goat怎么读 goats怎么读】他从奶牛那里挤出牛奶 。
I put a saddle on one of the horses and went for a ride.
我给其中一匹马套上马鞍,然后去骑马 。
goat怎么读 goats怎么读

There are pigs in the pigpen.
猪圈里有猪 。
He has goats.
他有山羊 。
He says that the goats will eat just about anything.
他说山羊几乎什么都吃 。
He has a chicken coop with chickens in it.
他有一个鸡笼,里面有鸡 。
The chickens lay eggs.
鸡会下蛋 。
goat怎么读 goats怎么读

Have you ever seen baby chicks?
They are very cute.
它们很可爱 。
My uncle collects the eggs every morning.
我叔叔每天早上去收鸡蛋 。
There is a rooster too.
还有一只公鸡 。
The rooster crows when the sun comes up.
太阳一出来 , 公鸡就叫 。
goat怎么读 goats怎么读

My uncle also has a goose.
我叔叔还有一只鹅 。
The goose makes a honking noise.
鹅发出鸣叫声 。
I don’t think that the goose likes me.
我觉得这只鹅不喜欢我 。
It nips me when I go near it.
当我走近它时 , 它会咬我 。
Many cats live in my uncle’s barn.
许多猫住在我叔叔的谷仓里 。
goat怎么读 goats怎么读

They are stray cats, but he lets them stay there because they keep the mice away.
它们是流浪猫 , 但他让它们呆在那里,因为它们能把老鼠赶走 。
My uncle feeds the cats.
我叔叔喂猫 。
My uncle says that he would like to get some sheep for his farm.
我叔叔说他想为他的农场买些绵羊 。
You can get wool from sheep.
你可以从绵羊身上得到羊毛 。
There are a lot of animals on my uncle’s farm.
我叔叔的农场里有很多动物 。
1. swish [sw??] v.刷地(或嗖地、呼地等)挥动
2. pigpen [?p?ɡpen] n.猪圈;猪场
3. coop [ku?p] n.(关鸡等的)笼子
4. honk [hɑ??k] n.鹅叫声;汽车喇叭声
5. nip [n?p] v.夹;掐;啃咬;咬住;
6. stray [stre?] adj. 走失的;无主的
