犬传染性气管支气管炎 犬传染性气管支气管炎怎么治疗

犬传染性气管支气管炎 犬传染性气管支气管炎怎么治疗

Bronchitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of bronchial mucosa in dogs and cats under the action of various pathogenic factors.
装嗽、胸部听诊有啰音为特征 。本病可发生于任何年龄,老龄和幼龄犬、猫较为多见 , 多发于
Cough and chest auscultation are characterized by sound. The disease can occur at any age, aged and young dogs and cats are more common, more common in
春秋季节和气温骤变时 。各种应激因素是引起支气管炎的主要诱因,如寒冷以及机械、物理、
Spring and autumn season and when the temperature changes suddenly. Various stress factors are the main causes of bronchitis, such as cold, mechanical, physical,
化学因素刺激等 。病毒性疾病和细菌性疾病也是诱发支气管炎的主要因素 。犬、猫突发带有疼
Chemical stimulation, etc. Viral and bacterial diseases are also the main factors inducing bronchitis. Dogs and cats have sudden pain
痛的干咳 , 以后随着渗出物增加而变为湿咳 , 两侧鼻孔流浆液、黏液乃至脓性鼻液,咳嗽后流
A painful dry cough that later becomes a wet cough with the increase of exudates. Serous, mucinous and even purulent nasal fluid flow from both nostrils, and flows after coughing.
出量增多 。胸部听诊,肺泡呼吸音增强,发病2~3日可听见气管和支气管干、湿性啰音 。叩
犬传染性气管支气管炎 犬传染性气管支气管炎怎么治疗
The output has increased. Chest auscultation, alveolar respiratory sound enhancement, 2 ~ 3 days of onset can hear trachea and bronchial trunk, wet sound. Knock
诊无明显变化 。发病动物有食欲减退,精神委顿,体温略有升高,如发展到细支气管炎则出现
There was no significant change in diagnosis. The diseased animals have anorexia, mental Wharton, and a slight increase in body temperature, such as bronchiolitis.
体温持续升高 , 脉搏增数,呼吸困难等全身症状 。重症者可视黏膜绀,呈腹式呼吸 。X线摄影
Body temperature continues to rise, pulse increases, dyspnea and other systemic symptoms. Severe cases showed cyanosis of mucous membrane and abdominal respiration. X-ray photography
It can be seen that the rough texture of bronchus and bronchiolitis shadow chronic tracheolitis is characterized by obstinate cough, often drama.
烈、粗的、突然发作的痉挛性咳嗽,运动、采食、夜间或早晚更为严重 。如果支气管黏膜结
A spasmodic cough with a strong, thick, sudden onset, especially in exercise, feeding, nighttime, or in the morning or evening. If the bronchial mucosa is nodded,
缔组织增生变厚造成管腔狭窄,则发生呼吸困难 。急性病例血液学检查可见白细胞总数增高,
Dyspnea occurs when the hyperplasia and thickening of the connective tissue results in the stenosis of the lumen. Hematological examination of acute cases showed an increase in the total number of white blood cells
伴以嗜中性白细胞增多 。
Accompanied by neutropenia.
【犬传染性气管支气管炎 犬传染性气管支气管炎怎么治疗】
犬传染性气管支气管炎 犬传染性气管支气管炎怎么治疗
