好多玩家对于游戏系统总有一些疑问,今天小编为大家带来一篇《方舟:生存进化》驯龙系统官方解释一览,希望能对大家有所帮助 。
1.Taming Effectiveness affects the melee damage[1] of a dinosaur after it has been tamed. It does not have any effect on the taming speed of the dinosaur. Taming effectiveness decays every time the dinosaur eats. The rate of decay can be slowed by feeding the dinosaur it's favorite food. No other means of preventing effectiveness decay are currently known.
驯龙是显示那个训练效率百分比影响龙驯好后的近战伤害 。这个百分比对驯龙速度没有任何影响 。驯龙效率在龙每次进食时都会减少 。其减少的速率能够靠喂龙最喜欢吃的食物来减缓 。暂时没有其他方法能阻止训练效率下降 。
2.The lower the level of the animal, the quicker you tame it. Using Prime Meat for carnivores is highly recommended.
动物等级越低,驯服速度越快,极力推荐用Prime Meat (直译最好的肉,以下简称大腿肉)驯肉食龙 。
3.You can level a dino 34 times, to the max level of 64. This means if you tame a lvl 1, it will cap at 35 and not level anymore. Ideally, you want to tame a level 30 dino who has good auto-assigned stats. It is common for 'end game' hunters to stalk specific dinos (sometimes with specific colors) between lvl 25-30, knock them out, and then inspect their stats (if the game auto assigned their points to hunger or breath, then the hunter will look for another). There is no max level cap for dinosaurs. The equation is just training level + 34 = max level.
你能给你的龙升级34次,直到最大等级64.(这里与最后一句有点矛盾,我理解应该是指官服野生龙最高只有30级,所以才最高64级,而且后面更新后可以升级38次了)这意味着你驯一只一级龙,它升到35级就到顶了 。想追求完美的话,你会想驯一只随机分配属性良好的30级恐龙 。“end game” 猎手(我也不知道什么意思,终极玩家?)会寻找等级在25级到30级之间的特别的恐龙(有时会有特别的颜色),并把它打晕,然后查看它的属性(如果游戏自动把龙的属性点分配到了食物和呼吸上,猎手会放弃这一只寻找其他的龙) 。
对龙来说并没有最高等级,驯龙的等级公式为驯服时的等级+34=最大等级 。(这一句与第一句的矛盾已说明 。而且现在是可以升38级了)
4.Knock the animal unconscious. When knocking a Dinosaur/Creature unconscious, try inflicting minimum damage. The more damage inflicted in the process the lessTaming Effectiveness. The best known way to build an animal's torpor is with Tranquilizer Arrows . It is best to aim the arrows at their head. It seems to leave the animal with 50%-100% HP. Other less effective ways are punching it or aiming for its head with the slingshot.
关于把动物打晕,在打晕动物前,尽量不要造成太多伤害,打晕前造成的伤害越多,驯服效率百分比越低 。已知最好的让龙晕厥的方法是毒箭 。用毒箭最好瞄准动物的头部,能够让龙晕眩后仍能保持百分之50-100的血量 。其他低效率的驯龙方法包括用拳头打或者用弹弓打龙的头部 。
5.Every time the animal raises its head to eat, the taming bar increases. They feed every time their hunger falls 30 points (for herbivores) and 50 points (for carnivores) below their max.
每次动物自己抬头吃东西,训练进度条都会增加 。食肉龙在饥饿下降50点时吃,食草龙在饥饿下降30点时吃 。
6.Be sure they have food at all times. When they're empty, their taming meter will fall rapidly. Also, if they awake, you'll lose all taming progress and lose any items in their inventory.
保证龙一直都有食物,一旦食物吃完,龙的驯服进度会飞速下降 。并且,一旦龙还没驯好就醒来,你会损失所有的训练进度和放在龙身上的东西 。
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