thething thething什么牌子

thething thething什么牌子

同事小刘的电脑坏了,需要找个改锥拧开机箱盖修修 , 可找来找去怎么也找不着改锥放哪儿了......这会儿他旁边的外教Tony看见了,就对他说了一句: "I have the very thing for you, follow me!"

急得满头是汗的小刘蒙圈了,“你说我这急着找改锥修电脑,这老外还跟我玩神秘,说什么'我这有非常的东西 , 让我跟他走......'”我笑着赶紧告诉他 , “你误会人家Tony了 , 他是说他正好有你想要的东西 , 让你跟他去取~”

这个错误大家可不要犯哟,"the very thing"是一句地道的口语表达,是“就是那个东西”的意思,如果换成和它意思一样的另一个短语 "just the thing" 估计你一下就全明白了!
just the thing / the very thingna. 适合的东西;正是此物;正是所需要的;够味;就是那个东西;正是那个;千真万确的事; 正是所需之物
【En】If you say that something is just the thing or is the very thing, you are emphasizing that it is exactly what is wanted or needed. 如果你说某物“just the thing”或“is the very thing”,那么你就是在强调它正是我们想要或需要的东西 。Exactly the thing that you want or that is necessary. 正是你想要的或必要的东西 。

? A holiday is probably just the thing for you.
? I know the very thing to cheer you up.
我知道什么能让你高兴起来 。
? Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack.
猕猴桃正是一种健康的零食 。
? If you're looking for an unusual holiday, this could be the very thing!
? I'm telling you, when you're hungover, a big basket of French fries is the very thing!

? I have the very thing to wear with a dress that color.
我正好有衣服可以配那种颜色的衣服 。
? The vacuum cleaner is the very thing for cleaning the stairs.
吸尘器正是用来清洁楼梯的 。
? I have the very thing to remove that stain.
我正好有去除那块污渍的东西 。
? A week's rest would be just the thing for her.
休息一周正是她所需要的 。
? I have just the thing for your hair.
我正好有适合你头发的东西 。
? Chicken soup is just the thing for a cold.
鸡汤正好可以治感冒 。

【活学活用 give an example】? This is the very thing I want!
? That's the very thing!
? This is the very thing I was looking for.
这正是我们所要寻找的东西 。
? Cold beer is just the thing on a hot day.
大热天冷啤酒是最受欢迎的东西了 。

? That's the very thing that had brought me such great trouble.
就是这个给我惹了大麻烦 。
? A dictionary is the very thing for our purpose.
字典正是我们所需要的事物 。
? I happened on just the thing I'd been looking for.
我偶然发现我一直在寻找的东西 。
