十有八九 十有九八不如意下一句

【十有八九 十有九八不如意下一句】

十有八九 十有九八不如意下一句

Photo by Mateusz Dach from Pexels
中国人常说,人生不如意之事“十之八九”,我们要学会平常心面对生活 。“十之八九”,亦作“十有八九”,经常用作修饰的成分,字面意思是“nine times out of ten” , 比喻绝大多数,有极大的可能性(very likely) , 与英文短语“ten to one”意思相同 , 表示“it is very likely that...; very probably” 。
他们十有八九会输 。
Ten to one they'll lose.
没有人确切地知道他们将如何处理这些销售问题,但十有八九是由员工来承担代价 。
No one knows for sure how they're going to deal with these sales issues, but ten to one it's the employees who have to suffer the cost.
Editor: Jade
