

【study是什么意思】小编想问问大家,你们有在学英语吗?如果在学的话你是想要learn English , 还是想study English?
是不是被小编问蒙了,感到困惑了呢?这两句话有区别吗?不都是“学英语”的意思吗?其实,在学习英语的过程中有些人在study English,而有些人在learn English,那么你又是哪一种呢?

to gain knowledge of a subject or skill, by experience, by studying it, or by being taught;
1. I learn English well, because Robert is a very good teacher.
2. I didn't tell her the truth. She would learn it for herself soon enough.
不难发现,learn强调的是获得知识,内容或信息等结果 。
to spend time reading, going to classes etc in order to learn about a subject
1. I study English, and Robert is teaching me.
2. I was studying English at home last night.
简单来说,study强调的是学习、研究等行为的举动或过程 。
learn特指通过学习获得了知识 , study特指学习某个东西的举动或过程 。一个强调结果,学到东西 , 另外一个强调过程,只是在学东西 。所以,learn和study这两个词的意思是不同的 。一句简单的中文“学习”无法涵盖这两个单词的正确含义 。

更好地理解这两个词的差异,看以下例句:1. If you study hard, you will learn English well.
(如果你努力学 , 一定能学好英语)
2. I’ve learnt nothing, because I study English in a negative way.
3. I’ve learnt something great through my hard study of English.
能感觉到这种差别了吗?study仅仅是做出学的举动,如果你只想study不想learn , 注定就学不会英语了…

慢着,还有个问题,你发现例句3里面的study是名词了吗?其实,除了意思上的区别之外,study还可以作为名词使用 。
study (noun):
when you spend time learning, especially at home or by yourself rather than during school;
a piece of work that is done to find out more about a particular subject or problem, and usually includes a written report.
1. I know 10 ways to improve your study skills.
2. This study shows that women still get paid a lot less than men.
learn不可直接作为名词使用 , 但study可以 。另外还需注意,study除了有“学”的意思之外还有“研究”的意思,比如例句2

怎么样,明白了吗?可以很小编透露一下你是在learn English,还是在study English吗(小编会替你保密的,偷笑ing...)?欢迎评论区留言哦~
