
简要回答space作名词时意为(可利用的)空地、空间、空、空隙、空子、空当、宽敞、空旷、开阔 。作动词时意为以一定间隔排列 。


太空站的英文是space station,其中就有space这个单词 , 那么你知道这是什么意思吗?小编下面就来跟大家说说space是什么意思 。
英 [spe?s] 美 [spe?s]
第三人称单数: spaces
复数: spaces
现在分词: spacing
过去式: spaced
过去分词: spaced
look/stare/gaze into space
to look straight in front of you without looking at a particular thing, usually because you are thinking about sth
a waste of space
(informal) 无用的人;干什么都不行的人;废物;饭桶
a person who is useless or no good at anything
watch this space
(informal) (用于命令)等待下面发表的消息
used in orders, to tell sb to wait for more news about sth to be announced
I can't tell you any more right now, but watch this space.
目前我不能跟你多说 , 等着听下面发表的消息吧 。
Under the plan, bits of open space — fields, golf-course borders and small parks — will be preserved.
在这份规划里,一些开放空间——运动场、高尔夫球场边缘以及小公园——将得以保留 。
You don't want your living space to look like a bedroom
你可不希望自己居住的地方看上去像个卧室 。
Large paintings can enhance the feeling of space in small rooms
大型油画可以增加小房间的宽敞感 。
You need space to think everything over
你需要时间把一切好好地考虑清楚 。
We can't promise to publish a reply as space is limited.
由于版面有限,我们不能保证把回复登载出来 。
They've come a long way in a short space of time
他们在很短的时间之内就大老远地赶了过来 。
The six astronauts on board will spend ten days in space.
飞船上的6名宇航员将在太空度过10天 。

