方舟生存进化畸变生物有哪些?在畸变版本之后,出现了很多全新的神奇怪物,有的凶猛有的很萌 。在这里小编就为大家带来由玩家“格林兰睡鲨”分享的畸变生物图文介绍,感兴趣的朋友快电进来看看吧 。
地下/地表死神国王/王后-异形袭掠龙-Reaper,之所以冠以异形之号,官方给出的代码写的就是Xenomorph(异形),所以尊重一波官方的意见 。然后袭掠龙这个称呼实际上是来自骷髅岛的早期设定里边的大型兽脚类恐龙袭虐龙,Reaper意思是收割,掠夺,所以取名袭掠龙 。
At home in the cavern's deepest chambers, Reapers are towering, terrifying apex predators. Beyond overwhelming their prey with fangs and claws, Reapers can burrow underground to set an ambush and fire acidic projectiles from their tails.
生活在洞穴深处的异形袭掠龙(Xenomorph sp.)是硕大而恐怖的超级掠食者 。除了令人不寒而栗的尖牙利爪,异形袭掠龙还能够钻到地底下伺机而动,并用能够使用尾巴弹射出炙热的酸性液体 。
Yet it is their macabre method of reproduction that is their most frightening feature. Bizarrely, a female Reaper's tail doubles as a reproductive organ, but only when piercing human survivors. Once impregnated, the survivor carries the young reaper until it bursts from their chest in a grotesque, disturbing spectacle.
而最让人毛骨悚然的是她们恐怖的繁殖方式 。袭掠龙皇后以尾巴作为生殖器官进行打击,但是只会对人类幸存者才有用 。一旦幸存者怀上了皇后的龙种,寄主就会一直携带着幼年袭掠龙,直到一日它破腹而出,想想就令人胆寒……
If impregnated by a female Reaper, I strongly urge that the survivor kill the embryo via exposure to radiation. However, there are rumors that Reapers might imprint themselves on a survivor who possesses a Reaper pheromone gland.
如果你怀上了一个袭掠龙皇后的种,强烈建议这名幸存者通过接受辐射的形式把胚胎杀死 。而有传言称,幼年袭掠龙会对拥有袭掠龙性信息腺体的幸存者们产生“铭印”现象 。
This has led some mad survivors with dreams of riding on the back of a Reaper to try seeing the gestation period through to the end, but that is extremely dangerous, not to mention disgusting.
所以就有些梦想着驾驭袭掠龙的疯子会尝试经历这段痛苦的妊娠期,直到分娩为止 。但是这个事情真的十分危险,更不用说多令人作呕了 。
劫掠犬(Canis Barghest),学名的意思是地狱魔犬,来自英国民间传说中的犬状妖怪,Ravager意思接近劫掠者,为了强调这货是犬类改动了一下名称 。
Canis的身份可能暗示劫掠犬其实是恐狼的畸变种 。
Anywhere else, Canis Barghest's powerful muscles, wicked claws, and fearsome countenance would put it near the top of the food chain. Yet in these caves, this common, lupine predator resides somewhere in the middle. That said, it is an intelligent hunter with an exceptional ability to adapt. For example, it has learned to utilize the zip lines that survivors have built as a means of travel, all on its own. Remarkable!
要是放别的地方,劫掠犬(Canis Barghest)的强大力量,邪恶的利爪以及面目可憎的表情理应让它成为地方一霸 。但是在畸变的世界里,这太常见了,犬形掠食者在这个世界里最多也就在食物链中层 。即便如此,它还是个有着非凡适应性的聪明的猎人 。例如,它以及学会利用人类作为旅行工具拉建的缆线,这些都是劫掠犬所独一无二的特点 。
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