

《模拟人生4》同欢共乐将要发售 , 游戏中有哪些新增模式?下面为大家带来《模拟人生4》同欢共乐新增模式场地详解 , 一起来看下吧 。
Explore New Venues, Special Locations, and more in Windenburg
Explore the New World
The Sims 4 Get Together Expansion Pack* is coming out next month, and it’s all about new ways to get together and go out with groups of Sims. So naturally, they need all sorts of fantastic new locations to go out to! That’s why we built the new World of Windenburg, a visually-striking European-inspired location that looks like nothing you’ve ever seen before in The Sims 4.
本资料片可以让以崭新的方式集结你的模拟市民并让他们组团外出狂欢 。自然他们也会需要各式各样的有趣的新地点来让他们有的可去 。所以我们才建造了名为温登堡的新世界——一个看起来十分具有欧洲风格的 , 与模拟人生4中任何地点都完全不同的新地方!
Windenburg is jam-packed with things to do and places to see, including three Special Venues, two new Venue types, and some changes to Nightclubs and Bars. Here’s a look at the places your Sims will be able to explore in December.
温登堡充满了可以参加的活动和可以参观的地方 。包括了三块特殊场地 , 两种新类型的场地 , 以及一些关于夜店和酒吧的改动 。让我们来看看你的模拟市民在下个月究竟能探索那些地方 。

The Von Haunt Estate. Windenburg’s prized Von Haunt Estate is a historic and enchanted garden property that’s been up kept as a famous museum and tourist attraction. Its most notable landmark is the enormous and perfectly pruned hedge maze where Sims can get lost for hours. Oh, and don’t be surprised if you run into the former Lord and Lady who used to inhabit the location before its new owners took over – even after 100 years of being deceased, they’re still around to entertain and terrify their guests.
【范·亨特庄园】温登堡引以为傲的范·亨特庄园是一个历史悠久且具有魔力的花园 。这份宝贵财产被视为有名的博物馆 , 是个极具吸引的旅游胜地 。它最显著的地标建筑则是完美修剪的巨大植物树篱迷宫 , 你的模拟市民甚至能够在这里迷路好几个小时 。哦对了 , 如果你不小心跑进了前庄主和庄主夫人以前住的地方时 , 千万不要惊讶 。即便一百年后 , 他们仍旧徘徊此地 , 并处心积虑地惊吓着客人们 。
The Bluffs. This secluded island is a picturesque and forgotten location that’s perfect for a group of Sims to get away to with no interruption. Facing the gorgeous Windenburg lake view is the bonfire where your Sims can cozy up or compare their best fire dance moves. There’s also a natural pool for swimming (or skinny dipping), and if you’re really patient, you just might catch a glimpse of Windenburg’s elusive sea monster.
【布拉弗斯】这个隐秘的小岛被人遗忘却风景如画的地方 , 这里能让一群模拟市民无人干扰地愉快玩耍 。在温登堡湖胜美如画的美景下点燃篝火 , 你的模拟市民可以在此一起欢聚或是比拼篝火舞蹈 。同时 , 你的模拟市民可以在这里的天然池塘中尽情畅游(或是裸泳) 。以及 , 如果你有耐心的话 , 你甚至可以看到温登堡中神出鬼没的海怪 。
