

Let me start by saying Im a complete noob, so forgive me if what Im writing sounds retarded, but it seems logical to me from what knowledge I have from watching VODs.
首先需要在此声明下,本人还是新手入门级别,天资愚钝,才疏学浅,本贴如有不当之处还望各位大神多多指教 。不管怎么说,小弟通过看视频还是学到了很多的 。
Since I dont have a beta key and the current AI is pretty bad, I started doing random little tests on damage, how many shots it takes to kill what, etc. and I started testing the optimal number of drones for harvesting. I found a couple of things out, the more obvious of which is that mineral nodes which are closest to your HQ can support only 2 harvesters whereas the ones that are a space farther can support 3 with each worker being slightly less efficient as a result of the timing. So optimal saturation should be 2xclose nodes + 3xfarnodes which is usually 21 or 20. You can put more on, but beyond this point the mining rate of your worker will drop approximately 20 fold.
现实如此无奈,咱没码玩不了对战,打电脑都被虐,于是最近我就搞了些小小的测试——诸如“几炮一个”的这种伤害输出的问题,还有使一片矿区进入满负荷采集状态所需的最佳农民数等等,也确实发现了一些小技巧 。众所周知,基地(或者叫大本)都造在离矿区最近的位置(3格)上,最多可以派两个两个农民采一块矿;如果大本离矿区远一格(4格),那就可以派三个农民采一块矿了,尽管实现这一步会稍慢些 。最佳的采矿方案还是2农民采3格矿与3农民采4格矿的结合运作模式,有20或21个农民采矿就差不多饱和了 。如果到了这个数还继续补农民采矿,效率就会下降,甚至不如20个的效率 。
I figured I would try some tests to figure out the average income with various HQ positions in combination with certain numbers of harvesters. Long story short I found that placing an expo 1 space farther away from the minerals actually allows you to mine out a mineral field more quickly at full saturation for an increase of only 3 workers. The downside is obviously that your workers have to travel slightly longer to return home with their cargo, meaning that before you approach the saturation point you will be making less than you would with normal placement, making it pretty impractical for early expos.
我将农民的数量固定,通过调整大本的位置进行研究 。我长话短说——将分矿的大本造在离矿区4格的位置上,采集每块矿的农民数增加到3个并进入饱和状态,其采集效率比正常3格位置的情况要高,资源耗竭所需的时间也更短 。4格位置的弊端也很明显,农民采矿得多走一格,那么你就需要更多的农民才能达到饱和,在此之前的收益肯定少于正常情况,将4格大本应用于早期分矿的方案绝对不可取 。
I realized though that it could be applied to high yield expos in mid/late- game for a couple of reasons. First, the high yield fields dont have as many nodes as the normal ones, meaning the number of workers needed for full saturation will drop by around 6. Second, by the time youre expoing at the high yield you should have enough workers to fully saturate the nodes immediately when the HQ finishes, skipping the part of the curve where you would be mining more slowly than an HQ placed 1 square closer. Finally, because the high yields offer double minerals the disparity between the average intake of the differently placed HQs is also doubled accordingly.
与此同时,在下灵光一闪,突然想到一个好点子:如果战斗打到中后期,这招可以在富矿上试一试 。首先富矿不同于普通矿,一共就6块,达到饱和状态所需的农民自然也就只有 6块矿那么多;其次,你既然开了富矿,肯定不缺农民,大本刚建好就可以立即进入满负荷运作状态,每块矿那一格距离所需要的一个额外农民不用再临时补;最后,富矿采一次10点水晶,是普通矿的两倍,大本远了一格,而农民采一次还是10点不会少 。
