抖音Twinkletwinklelittlestar是什么歌?最近早抖音上有一首歌特别火 , 很多网红都在翻唱 , 下面小编就为玩家带来抖音周震南小星星歌曲歌词完整版 , 一起来看看吧 。
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
There seems to be a shadow can't be lost No matter where I go
This feeling is so terrible It's like I never own myself
No matter how many people are around me I still feel alone
Insignificance is the essence of life that I already know
Why when they laughed I feel so harsh
Why when they cried I don't feel happy
Why when they succeed I think the world is crazy
Why when they failed I feel the world is almost dead
everybody lies to me
everybody so fake
everybody hurts me
everybody everybody everybody hides dagger in a smile
everybody hides desire in a lie
everybody hides dagger in a smile
everybody hides desire in a lie
Don't afraid about it
Don't afraid about it
Loneliness does not hurt you like a human being
Don't afraid about it
Don't afraid about it
hopelessness does not hurt you like a human being
Let's go
Smile to yourself
Believe yourself
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