
作为特殊的“天外来客”,陨石是人类探索宇宙和认识地球的绝佳样品 。我国新疆青河大陨铁是世界第三大陨铁,重达28吨 。科学家对它的物质成分进行分析后发现,这块陨铁中的8种矿物中竟然有6种是地球上所没有的 。
As a special "extraterrestrial visitor", meteorites are excellent samples for exploring the universe and recognizing the earth. Xinjiang Qinggil great meteorite is the third largest meteorite in the world, weighing 28 tons. Scientists analyzed its material composition and found that 6 of the 8 minerals in this meteorite are not found on earth.
科学家通过对不同种类陨石的研究,推断出了固体地球内部具有和许多地外天体类似的圈层构造,不同圈层中的物质组成和元素分布也具有差异性 。
Through the study of different types of meteorites, scientists have deduced that the interior of the solid earth is similar to many outer celestial bodies, and the composition and distribution of elements in different layers are also different.
科学家对陨石中的含水矿物以及有机 质极为关注,因为这两类物质与生命有千丝万缕的联系 。在已经发现的陨石中,含水矿物很少,有机化合物也基本是由非生物成因形成的 。但是人类对陨石中蕴藏生命信息的探索脚步不会停止 。
Scientists are very concerned about water bearing minerals and organic matter in meteorites, because these two substances are closely related to life. Among the meteorites that have been found, there are very few hydrous minerals and organic compounds are basically formed by abiotic origin. But mankind's quest for information about life in meteorites will not stop.
另一方面,陨石撞击在地球生命起源和灭绝事件中扮演的作用一直是科学界的热点话题 。发生在6500万年前的恐龙灭绝事件被认为是陨石撞击的后果 。
On the other hand, the role of meteorite impact in the origin and extinction of earth's life has been a hot topic in the scientific community. The extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago is considered to be the consequence of meteorite impact.

陨石是来自宇宙的宝石 。陨石具有科学研究和收藏利用的双重价值,事实上陨石的自然属性更受陨石爱好者重视,真正的陨石爱好者与收藏家研究者对陨石的热爱更是出于这样的原因,自古以来,陨石就有镇宅、避邪、旺财、保健、避险、转运、益寿等作用 。
Meteorites are precious stones from the universe. Meteorites have the dual value of scientific research and collection and utilization. In fact, the natural attributes of meteorites are paid more attention by the meteorite enthusiasts. The true love of meteorite lovers and collector researchers for meteorites is more due to such reasons. Since ancient times, the meteorites have the residence, shelter, wealth, health care, risk avoidance, transport, and longevity. And so on.
1.镇宅、避邪:陨石本身特有的神秘,且强大的能量,被认为具有镇宅和避邪的双重性 。
town house and evading evil: the mysterious and powerful energy of the meteorite itself is considered to have dual nature of curtilage and evading evil.
2.旺财、保健:陨石如何旺财,看似唯心的说法令人生疑,很多家族因世代收藏陨石,家境殷实而富足 。这是一个不解之谜,阳气十足可以抵御晦气和霉运 。陨石带给人类的各种神奇变化令人惊诧不已,其中原因不得而知,科学不能解释 。
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