《无主之地:前传》治疗工人病毒感染任务 echo录音记录全解

资料是英文的,看不懂的小编也木有办法 。百度翻译去吧,只能帮到这里了 。
Lazlo ECHO #1
Location: You need to enter the room near the airlock and go down the incline to find the Lost ECHO sitting on top of a machine with ‘5’ written on it.
【《无主之地:前传》治疗工人病毒感染任务 echo录音记录全解】Lazlo ECHO #2
Location: After grabbing the previous collectible, go to the second floor and look near the southern side of the red machine to find this collectible.
Lazlo ECHO #3
Location: You need to enter the room located in the northern side of the airlock. After getting there, travel to the eastern side to come across a duct right next to a machine. Check the top of the machine to find this collectible.
Lazlo ECHO #4
Location: While inside the Brain Bug area, check the very top of the fan motor to find this collectible.
Lazlo ECHO #5
Location: This one is also located in the Brain Bug area. You need to travel to the northern side of the area and find the Lost ECHO near a heap of garbage.

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