
【10个一般将来时的句子】1、I will be at home for the whole coming week.
我这个星期都会待在家中 。
2、The band will give a performance at the bar tomorrow evening.
这个乐队明天晚上在这个酒吧会有一场表演 。
3、She will leave for Beijing on business next week.
她明天将会来北京出差 。
4、The train will leave in five hours' time.
这辆火车将在5小时后离开 。
5、Our English teacher will give us a lecture on British accent this Tuesday.
这个星期二将会有一位纯英式口音的英语老师给我们上课 。
6、You shall not fiddle away your spare time.
你不该浪费你的业余时间 。
7、she will not (won't) show me around her hometown next Sunday.
她这个星期将不会带我去她的家乡玩耍 。
8、The meeting won’t last long.
这会开不了多久 。
9、Shall we have any classes tomorrow?
10、How are you going to spend your holidays?

