She washed and stoned the cherry.
她洗了洗樱桃,给樱桃去了核 。
I like cherry ice cream.
我喜欢樱桃冰淇淋 。
A cherry cheesecake.
樱桃奶酪饼 。
A variety of the sour cherry(Prunus cerasus var.austera)having double flowers and fruit with dark red skin.
黑樱桃一种酸樱桃(欧洲酸樱桃变种酸樱桃)开有双层花朵,结有黑红色果皮的果实 。
She washed and stoned the cherries.
她把樱桃洗净并去核 。
Decorate the cake with cherries and nuts.
用樱桃和果仁装饰这个蛋糕 。
Do you prefer apple or cherry pie?
【樱桃的英文怎么写 樱桃的英文怎么写?】It is very strange that there is no stone in the cherry.
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