经典寓言故事名字 经典寓言故事

经典寓言故事名字 经典寓言故事

【经典寓言故事名字 经典寓言故事】饥饿的狗(Hungry dog)
几只饥饿的狗,看见河里浸泡着一张兽皮,他们使劲够也够不着 。于是,它们便互相商定,大家一起喝干河水,就可以得到那张兽皮了 。结果,还没等到去拿兽皮时,他们的肚皮都被河水涨破了 。
寓意:不量力而行,辛辛苦苦追求希望渺茫的利益,结果,不但所希望的东西没得到,反而会付出惨重的代价 。
Several hungry dogs saw a piece of animal skin soaked in the river. They tried hard, but they couldn't reach it. So they agreed with each other that they could drink up the river together and get the animal skin. As a result, their bellies were burst by the river before they went to get the skins.
Moral: do what you can and pursue the interests with little hope. As a result, you will pay a heavy price instead of getting what you want.
被狗咬了的人(A man bitten by a dog)
有个人被狗咬伤,四处求医治伤,仍无显著疗效 。有人向他建议,用面包擦干伤口上的血,再扔给咬他的狗吃 。他回答说:“我想如果这样做,那么全城所有的狗一定都会来咬我 。”
寓意:恶性若受到鼓励,就会更加为非作歹,为所欲为 。
A man was bitten by a dog and sought medical treatment everywhere, but there was still no significant effect. He was suggested to dry the blood on the wound with bread and throw it to the dog that bit him. He replied, "I think if I do, all the dogs in the city will bite me."
Moral: if you are encouraged, you will do more evil and do whatever you want.
