
如果足够被理解,我会把破文字抛却,心满意足地过生活—— 叶芝
自由予你,把爱还我 。
Free to you, please return love to me.
微笑之下,始终无乐 。
Behind the smile, it never happy.
是否再爱,无人再究 。
Whether to love again, no one to investigate.
不愿开口,不必动嘴 。
Don't talk, and do not move your mouth.


足够舍得,再无奢求 。
Enough willing, no more extravagant.
推翻懦弱,选择抗拒 。
Overthrow cowardice and choose to resist.
不再慌张,谁也不念 。
No longer panic, no one read.
透过窗外,担下一切 。
We take everything through the window.

自古俗人,答非所问 。
Since ancient times, people have not answered questions.
都活下去,一鸣惊人 。
All live, a surprise.
爱爱,没有人爱 。
But lovely love, no one loves.
理由一堆,哭笑不得 。
There are a lot of reasons.

不愿再等,无需再耗 。
Don't want to wait, no more consumption.
入眼此景,皆是不易 。
It is not easy to enter this scene.
三般两样,杂乱戏耍 。
Three things and two, juggling.
回忆堆积,赶走数人 。
Memories accumulate and drive away several people.

起点与终点总是不分上下 。如果我们起点是快乐的,终点未必照旧 。很多很多的意外可以是惊扰,或许也是惊喜 。
The beginning and the end are always neck and neck. If we start happily, the end may not be the same. Many accidents can be surprises, perhaps surprises.
这寸地尺天,它应该是应有尽有的 。有快乐的人和少不得不快乐的人 。那一定有个人能在月黑风高的时候,流星赶月般来到我们的身旁,和你一起让这一切开始变得热闹非凡 。
This inch of earth, it should be everything. There are happy people and less have to be happy people. There must be someone who can come to us like a meteor in the dark of the moon, with you to make all this start to become extraordinary.
