超暖心的平安夜表白情话 平安夜表白情话

雪花快乐地飘,驯鹿飞快地跑,我的祝福跳上雪橇,在平安夜来到你的身旁 。
The snow is floating happily, the reindeer is running fast, my blessing jumps on the sled, comes to your side in the safe night.

超暖心的平安夜表白情话 平安夜表白情话

平安夜因为有你,我变得更加开心了 。
Christmas Eve because of you, I become more happy.
你的眼睛没我的好看,因为我的眼里装着你 。平安夜快乐!
Your eyes are not as good as mine, because my eyes are full of you. Happy Christmas Eve!
超暖心的平安夜表白情话 平安夜表白情话

我好想像这棵圣诞树一样栽在你手上 。平安夜快乐!
I want to be planted like this Christmas tree. Happy Christmas Eve!
如果我沉默的时候突然就笑了起来,一定是我想起了你 。平安夜快乐!
If I suddenly smile when I am silent, it must be that I think of you. Happy Christmas Eve!
超暖心的平安夜表白情话 平安夜表白情话

就算是普通的一天,有你也会幸福 。更何况是平安夜呢!
Even if it is an ordinary day, you will be happy. Let alone Christmas Eve!
爱情就是这么奇妙,我宁愿和你吵架,我也不愿意爱别人 。平安夜快乐!
【超暖心的平安夜表白情话 平安夜表白情话】Love is so wonderful. I would rather fight with you than love others. Happy Christmas Eve!
超暖心的平安夜表白情话 平安夜表白情话

没有你的时候,色彩是单一的 。平安夜快乐!
Without you, the color is single. Happy Christmas Eve!
我希望以后可以不用送你回家,而是我们一起回我们的家 。平安夜快乐!
I hope we can go back to our home together instead of sending you home. Happy Christmas Eve!
超暖心的平安夜表白情话 平安夜表白情话

原地画个圈圈,告诉你,你被我圈在了我的心里 。平安夜快乐!
Draw a circle and tell you that you are in my heart. Happy Christmas Eve!
我希望,以后你能用我的名字拒绝所有人 。平安夜快乐!
I hope that in the future you can reject everyone in my name. Happy Christmas Eve!
