弯弯的月牙儿犹如一只银亮的小船 弯弯的月牙像什么

月亮是那么明亮,把大地照得一片雪青,树木、房屋、街道都像镀上了一层水银似的 。The moon is so bright that the earth shines with snow, and the trees, houses and streets are like a layer of mercury.

弯弯的月牙儿犹如一只银亮的小船 弯弯的月牙像什么

弯弯的月牙儿犹如一只银亮的小船 。The curved crescent moon is like a silver boat.
弯弯的月牙儿犹如一只银亮的小船 弯弯的月牙像什么

夜晚的明月似冰盘,清亮典雅;像明镜,清明高贵;如宁潭,清澈纯洁,美若天仙 。The bright moon at night is like an ice tray, clear and elegant; Like a mirror, clear and noble; Such as Ningtan, clear and pure, beautiful.
弯弯的月牙儿犹如一只银亮的小船 弯弯的月牙像什么

【弯弯的月牙儿犹如一只银亮的小船 弯弯的月牙像什么】疲倦的月亮躲进了云层休息,只留下几颗星星像是在放哨 。The tired moon hid in the clouds to rest, leaving only a few stars as if on sentry duty.
弯弯的月牙儿犹如一只银亮的小船 弯弯的月牙像什么

看麦子时我睡在地里 月亮照我如照一口井 家乡的风 家乡的云 收聚翅膀 睡在我的双肩 。When watching wheat, I sleep in the ground. The moon shines on me like a well. The clouds in my hometown gather wings and sleep on my shoulders.
弯弯的月牙儿犹如一只银亮的小船 弯弯的月牙像什么

满溢的月光,如同一位仙女,向地面撒满了金粉,连地上的小碎石都艳了起来 。The overflowing moonlight, like a fairy, sprinkled gold powder on the ground, and even the small gravel on the ground was brilliant.
弯弯的月牙儿犹如一只银亮的小船 弯弯的月牙像什么

明净似的圆月,已经被远方蓝蓝的高山托上天空 。The bright and clean full moon has been lifted into the sky by the distant blue mountains.
弯弯的月牙儿犹如一只银亮的小船 弯弯的月牙像什么

初升的月亮挂在山顶上空,虽然像云朵一样苍白,但是每一刻都在变得更加明亮 。The rising moon hangs over the top of the mountain. Although it is as pale as a cloud, it is getting brighter every moment.
弯弯的月牙儿犹如一只银亮的小船 弯弯的月牙像什么

弯弯的月亮挂在天幕上,显得凄凉,神秘,孤独,寂寞,温馨,含情,幽怨,令人如醉如痴 。The curved moon hangs on the sky, which is desolate, mysterious, lonely, lonely, warm, affectionate, bitter and intoxicating.
弯弯的月牙儿犹如一只银亮的小船 弯弯的月牙像什么

门外西边的林梢,挂着的上弦月已经变成一片金色的西瓜,不再是一条弯弯的眉毛 。Outside the forest tip in the west, the hanging first quarter moon has turned into a golden watermelon instead of a curved eyebrow.
