一段激励自己学习的英语短句 英语励志短句

一段激励自己学习的英语短句 英语励志短句

把学习当成一种生活习惯 。
Take learning as a kind of living habits.
Learning to use, what is there against it?
除了学习,我们别无选择 。
In addition to learning, we have no other choice.
今天的努力,明天的实力 。
Efforts of today and tomorrow.
努力造就实力,态度决定高度 。
Efforts to create the strength, attitude determines altitude.
不与时间竞争,只向效率挑战 。
Not competitive, with time, challenge the efficiency.
【一段激励自己学习的英语短句 英语励志短句】为了心中的理想,勇敢闯一闯 。
In order to the ideal of the heart, a desperate brave.
做人在于知道,学习在于积累 。
Life is to know, learning is gained by accumulation.
学习懂得知识,知识创造人生 。
Learn knowledge, knowledge to create life.
没有最笨的,只有最不努力的 。
There is no the most stupid, only the most don t work hard.
1抓住每个细节,不犯同样错误 。
At every detail, don t make the same mistake.
1做人贵在有德,学习贵在有心 。
A person should be, in the study concerned.
1深深的脚印,汇成了成功的画卷 。
Deep footprints, make a picture of success.
1成绩的好坏在于你是否用心去学 。
The stand or fall of performance is whether you to learn it by heart.
1不问一个为什么,什么都学不到 。
Don t ask why, couldn t learn anything.
1放弃时间的人,时间也会放弃他 。
Give up of time, time will abandon him.
1人生能有几回搏,今日不搏何时搏 。
Life can have a few back to beat, today when cardiac stroke.
1没有做不完的事,只有用不完的力 。
No do not over of, only to burn.
1战胜自己等于战胜了最强大的敌人 。
To conquer yourself is equal to victory over the most powerful enemy.
20、知识的宇宙需要勤奋的飞船去探索 。
Knowledge of the universe need diligence spacecraft to explore.
一段激励自己学习的英语短句 英语励志短句

2生活是一台机器,学习就是发动机 。
Life is a machine, learning is the engine.
2试了就有一半的可能,不试就等于 。
Tried to have half of may, is to not try.
2人是铁,学是钢,一天不学,心发慌 。
Man is iron, learning is steel, not learn one day, heart trouble.
2真正的快乐只属于那些努力奋斗的人 。
True happiness only belongs to those who struggle.
2自卑和自大的人是世界上最悲哀的人 。
Inferiority and arrogance is one of the world s most sad man.
2握住失败的手,让我们一起走向成功 。
Holding hands with failure, let us together to success.
2竞争不是比谁努力,而是比谁更努力 。
Competition is not better than who work hard, but is harder than anyone.
2只有勤奋努力,才能尝到胜利的果实 。
Only hard work, can taste the fruits of victory.
2知识像宽阔的海洋,学习如航行的风帆 。
Knowledge like a broad ocean, learning such as voyage sails.
30、有了知识,你前进的道路才会畅通无阻 。
With knowledge, you along the way will clear.
3学习才能获取知识,知识才能改变命运 。
Learning to acquire knowledge, and knowledge to change destiny.
3有信心,就有成功;有爱心,就有希望 。
Have the confidence, there is success; Has the compassion, there is hope.
3失败的尽头是成功,努力的终点是辉煌 。
The end of the failure is success, is the end point of the efforts of brilliant.
