

▲finish① v. 结束;完成:the finishing line(比赛的)终点线The concert hasn’t finished yet.音乐会还没有结東 。finish doing sth(2008陕西)I finished cleaning the living room a little while ago.我刚才打扫完客厅了 。(2012陕西)Many speakers finish up their speeches with question- and-answer sessions.许多演讲者以问答环节结束自己的演讲 。Please return the paper to me when you have finished with it.看完报纸之后请还给我 。②吃光;喝光(剩下的东西)The boys finished all the pies.男孩们把馅饼全吃光了 。③(在比赛中)获得名次:排名She was delighted to finish second in the 100 metres.她在百米赛跑中得了第二名,非常高兴 。Nice guys finish last.好人不得志 。(2019年全国卷)Be nice-you won’t finish last.要与人为善,你不会不得志 。(人善天不欺 。)④ n. [常用单数]结束;结局::an dramatic finish to the race.赛跑的戏剧性结局.The story was a lie from start to finish.这个故事自始至终都是个谎言 。
