【如何制作项目进度计划表 项目进度表模板】Private Sub getXarr() xArr = Array(序号, 部门, 类别, 项目名称, _ 计划开始时间, 计划结束时间, 实际开始时间, 实际结束时间, 时长)End Sub添加项目过程代码(AddSheetRange())
Private Sub AddSheetRange(uArr)Dim s As Worksheet, cell As Range, ic As Integer, ix As IntegerDim st1 As Integer, st2 As Integer, xt1 As Integer, xt2 As IntegerSet s = ActiveSheetSet cell = s.Range(B4:AN5)cell.Insert shift:=xlDownWith cell .ClearFormats With .Font .Size = 10 .Name = 仿宋 End With For ic = 1 To 4 cell.Cells(1, ic).Value = uArr(ic - 1) s.Range(cell.Cells(1, ic), cell.Cells(2, ic)).Merge Next ic .Interior.Color = RGB(239, 239, 239) .Borders.LineStyle = 3 .Borders.Color = RGB(112, 121, 211) cell.Cells(1, 5).Value = 计划 cell.Cells(2, 5).Value = 实际 cell.Cells(1, 6).Value = uArr(4) '计划开始时间 cell.Cells(1, 7).Value = uArr(5) '计划结束时间 cell.Cells(2, 6).Value = uArr(6) '实际开始时间 cell.Cells(2, 7).Value = uArr(7) '实际结束时间 cell.Cells(1, 8).Value = =H4-G4 'VBA.DateDiff(d, uArr(4), uArr(5)) '计划时长 cell.Cells(2, 8).Value = =H5-G5 'VBA.DateDiff(d, uArr(6), uArr(7)) '实际时长 st1 = VBA.Day(uArr(4)) + 8 st2 = VBA.Day(uArr(5)) + 8 xt1 = VBA.Day(uArr(6)) + 8 xt2 = VBA.Day(uArr(7)) + 8 s.Range(cell.Cells(1, st1), cell.Cells(1, st2)).Style = S1 s.Range(cell.Cells(2, xt1), cell.Cells(2, xt2)).Style = S2 ix = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(s.Range(B:B)) - 2End WithEnd Sub甘特图形的绘制是对表格样式的一个赋值,本示例中样式名为S1和S2 。
一代码是对样式进行设置的,有判断样式是否存在、添加等一些操作 。
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