2021年6月份的四级考试终于圆满结束 , 又到核对答案的时间了 。王老师衷心希望大家都能考出理想的成绩 , 顺利通过四级!
本次四级考试沿袭往年的出题传统 , 采用的是多题多卷的形式 , 因此 , 王老师第一时间收集整理了全网有关四级的多个版本的所有试题及参考答案 , 以服务各位考生 , 供大家在核对答案时参考使用 。也正是因为本次四级试卷沿袭往年的出题传统 , 依然采用的是多题多卷的形式 , 所以大家在核对答案时 , 只要找准具体的选项和内容 , 以及相对应的答案即可 , 不必纠结自己当时做的是哪一套试题 。需要特别说明的是 , 因为时间紧张 , 所有答案均源自于网络 , 有多个版本 , 而且王老师也来不及对答案和试题做进一步的甄别、核对与修改 , 个别试题答案也可能会存在些许争议 , 希望大家能够根据自身的需要 , 斟酌处理即可 。本次的四级答案 , 因为时间仓促 , 在搜集整理的时候 , 难免会有错误和遗漏之处 , 因此仅供大家参考 , 如有异议 , 欢迎大家在下方留言讨论 。不过完成胜于完美 , 王老师已经尽最大努力 , 第一时间把搜集到的全网有关四级答案的信息整理之后 , 尽快地发布给大家了 , 若有欠缺不妥之处 , 还望各位海涵 。最终答案请大家务必以官方阅卷答案为准 。2021年6月大学英语四级参考答案一、写作3套第一套:Is technology making people lazy?Recently, the topic of the impact of technology has been brought into focus. According to a recent survey conducted by CCTV, a high proportion of 84.7 percent of people admitted that technology had great influence on their life and they couldn’t live without it.There is no denying that technology enjoys many advantages. For example, the Internet enables people to know the latest news all over the world. However, it also brings its own problems. For one thing, the technology is making people lazier. For example, they will buy food online instead of cooking at home. For another, some young people who are addicted to social networking websites or online games isolate themselves in their virtual world and are too lazy to communicate with people in the real world.In brief, taking into account all of these factors, we may reach the conclusion that the Internet poses both opportunities and challenges to our modern life. Only by making reasonable use of it can we benefit considerably.第二套:Do Violent Video Games Increase Aggression?With the development of the Internet and technology, video games are becoming increasingly popular among people especially the youngsters. However, it is a controversial issue that has raised wide public concern.In my view, we should hold a cautious attitude toward some of the violent video games. On the one hand, there is no denying the fact that playing video games during the leisure time can make people relaxed. But on the other hand, we have to admit that there are some potential problems with some of the video games. With the help of special effect in video games, violent elements in video games are more and more thrilling for the players. In my opinion, those elements of violence could have some bad influences on people, especially children and then contribute to the violence in society.Considering all those elements, in order to provide a better environment for the youngsters, I suggest that we should set up a violence rating system on violent video games, so people will know which level of violence they are accessing to.第三套:Are people becoming addicted to technology?In this digital era technology seems to be a part of our lives since we rely on it when working or studying or even enjoying ourselves. People in mounting numbers find it difficult to live without technology, especially the internet access. For example, we can see everywhere that people watch short videos one after another for a long time, click their social software every few minutes, read e-books all day long without looking up from their screens. Once without the internet access, they don’t know what to do and will possibly be anxious, panic and impatient with everything.Numerous studies claim that addiction to technology has the same effect on the brain as drug addiction. Therefore, we must do something to prevent this trend from worsening. First of all, we must develop some helpful hobbies such as reading, dancing, singing, etc. which can enrich our lives when there is no internet access. Moreover, authority related and tech-giants involved should establish laws or restrictions to prevent people from addiction.二、汉译英3套第一套铁观音(Tieguanyin)是中国最受欢迎的茶之一 , 原产自福建省安溪县西坪镇,如今安溪全县普遍种植,但该县不同地区生产的铁观音又各具风味 。铁观音一年四季均可采摘,尤以春秋两季采摘的茶叶品质最佳 。铁观音加工非常复杂,需要专门的技术和丰富的经验 。铁观音含有多种维生素,喝起来口感独特 。常饮铁观音有助于预防心脏病、降低血压、增强记忆力 。Tieguanyin is one of the most popular genes of tea in China, originated in Xiping Town, Anxi County, Fujian Province. Nowadays, it is widely planted in Anxi County, but Tieguanyin produced in different areas of the county has different flavors. The tea can be picked all year round, and the tea picked in spring and autumn is especially of the best quality. The processing of Tieguanyin is extremely complex and requires special technology and rich experience. The tea contains a variety of vitamins and tastes unique. Regular drinking of it can help prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure and enhance memory.第二套龙井(Longing)是一种绿茶 , 主要产自中国东部沿海的浙江省 。龙井茶独特的香味和口感为其赢得了“中国名茶”的称号 , 在中国深受大众的欢迎 , 在海外饮用的人也越来越多 。龙井茶通常手工制作 , 其价格可能极其昂贵 , 也可能比较便宜 , 这取决于的生长地、采摘时间和制作工艺 。龙井茶富含生素C和其它多种有益健康的元素 。经常喝龙井茶有助于减轻疲劳 , 延缓衰老 。Longing is a kind of green tea which is mainly produced in Zhejiang Province on the east coast of China.The tea has won the title of “Famous Tea of China” for its unique flavor and taste. It is widely beloved in China, and more and more people drink it overseas. The tea is usually handmade. Its price can be extremely expensive or relativelycheap. which depends on the place it grows. the time it is picked and the way in which it is processed.The tea is rich in vitamin C and many other healthy elements. Regular drinking of Longing helps to reduce fatigue and delay aging.第三套普洱(Pu’er)茶深受中国人喜爱,最好的普洱茶产自云南的西双版纳(Xishuangbanna) , 那里的气候和环境为普洱茶树的生长提供了最佳条件 。普洱茶颜色较深,味道与其他的茶截然不同 。普洱茶泡(brew)的时间越长越有味道 。许多爱喝的人尤其喜欢其独特的香味和口感 。普洱茶含有多种有益健康的元素,常饮普洱茶有助于保护心脏和血管,还有减肥、消除疲劳和促进消化的功效 。Pu er is one of the most popular types of tea among the Chinese people, with its best produced in Xishuangbanna,Yunnan Province. where the climate and the environment provide the tea with the best growing conditions. Pu er tea features comparatively darkcolour and totally different flavour. The longer it brews, the better it tastes. Many Pu er overs especially fancy its unique fragrance and flavour.As it contains many beneficial elements, the tea helps not only protect the heart and blood vessels but also lose weight,relieve fatigue and improve digestion if one drinks it regularly.再次提醒各位:大家在核对答案时 , 只要找准具体选项和内容 , 以及相对应的答案即可 , 不必纠结自己当时做的是哪一套试题 。因为篇幅有限 , 如果你需要其他部分答案 , 可以关注王老师 , 私信王老师:四级答案 , 王老师会在第一时间 , 把整理好的四级全部答案发送给你!最后 , 王老师再次希望和祝愿大家都能考出理想的成绩 , 顺利通过四级!文/王树振
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