一、我真的好爱好爱,跟我没有未来的那个人 。
I really like love, and I have no future with that person.
二、失望像喝了口凉水,从咽喉凉到胃 。
Disappointment is like drinking cold water from throat to stomach.
三、好不容易上了岸,就别提海里的事 。
Don't mention the sea when you finally get to the shore.
四、我还挺想你的,老子这次就是要死扛 。
I miss you very much. I'm going to die this time.
五、心里互相有对方的人,不应该错过 。
People who have each other in their hearts should not be missed.
六、哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望罢了 。
No one likes loneliness, but doesn't like disappointment.
七、白天各有各的光鲜,晚上各有各的孤独 。
Each has its own brilliance in the day and its own loneliness in the evening.
八、我是一个从小被否定到大的人,你要我如何自信 。
I am a person who has been denied from childhood to big. How can I be confident.
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