disturb什么意思中文 practise是什么意思

disturb什么意思中文 practise是什么意思

disturb什么意思中文 practise是什么意思

【disturb什么意思中文 practise是什么意思】
一、单词学习 。
(1)根据中文写出单词 。
disturb 打扰;妨碍 without 没有 , 缺乏
catch 抓住 pool 水塘;游泳池
afraid 害怕;畏惧 remember 记得
practise 练习
(2)短语学习 。
Swimming pool 游泳池 be afraid of 害怕
learn by doing 在实践中学习 just try (尽管)试试
( A )1.A、pool B、museum C、library
( B )2.A、afraid B、interesting C、excited
( C )3.A、remember B、disturb C、textbook
( C )4.A、bottle B、cup C、hat
( C )5.A、film B、music C、homework
( C )6.A、pencil B、schoolbag C、basketball
( A )7.A、neighborhood B、aunt C、grandfather
二、选出划线部分发音不同的单词 , 并将其编号写在括号里 。
( C )1.A、pool B、tooth C、food
( A )2.A、soul B、without C、south
( C )3.A、afraid B、snail C、fair
( B )4.A、catch B、name C、hat
( C )5.A、please B、leave C、tea
( C )6.A、route B、soup C、should
( A )7.A、break B、ready C、health
三、选择填空 。
1、Come B ! Read a poem for me!
2、— A ?
—I’m going to learn how to swim.
A、What are you going to do tomorrow?
1.— C .
—I’m going to learn how to swim.
—OK. I’ll teach you.
2.—Please don’t disturb me. A .
—How can you learn to swim without going to a pool?
3.— D .Let’s go to the swimming pool.
—No! I’m afraid of water.
4.—Just jump in! Catch this. B
—Help! Help!
5. F。This way…This way…OK, now can you do it?
6.—Oh, it’s easy.
—We should always remember:“ E .”
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disturb什么意思中文 practise是什么意思

