need用法 情态动词need的用法

need的用法:need可以作为名词 , 表示需要、必须 , 常用词组有:meet a need、financial needs 。need可以作为动词 , 表示应该或不得不做 , 后面接动词原形或to do , 比如need to do sth 。
【need用法 情态动词need的用法】 There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.你明天不必早起 。
I had no need to open the letter─I knew what it would say.我没必要拆开那封信——我知道里面会说些什么 。
The house is in need of a thorough clean.这房子需要来个大扫除 。
You needn't finish that work today.你不必今天做完这项工作 。
You needn't have hurried (= it was not necessary for you to hurry, but you did) .你当时不必这么匆忙 。
I need hardly tell you (= you must already know) that the work is dangerous.这工作很危险 , 这就不用我说了 。
If she wants anything, she need only ask.她想要什么东西 , 只要开一下口就行了 。
All you need bring are sheets.你需要带的就是床单 。
