


成语:天下太平 。
1、解释:处处平安无事 , 指大治之世 。
2、出处:《吕氏春秋大乐》:天下太平 , 万物安宁 。
3、结构用法:作谓语、定语 。
4、近义词:天下大治 , 国泰民安 , 太平盛世 。
5、反义词:天下大乱 , 动荡不安 , 兵荒马乱 。
6、造句:人人好公 , 则天下太平;人人营私 , 则天下大乱 。
有哪些被翻译成了古风中文的英文语句?我有资格回答这个问题 , 因为我本人就在头条号上把许多英文诗歌翻译成古风句子 , 这段时间一直翻译泰戈尔飞鸟集 。现挑一些清浅的翻译呈上 。当然 , 译文的作者肯定是我本人 。
1、Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night
古风译文:春心一枕西窗梦 , 滴尽芭蕉夜雨声 。——翻译:亦有所思(以下同)
2、Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees
古风译文:如何今夜无穷树 , 只是轻轻送落花 。
3、Love! when you come with the burning lamp of pain in your hand,I can see your face and know you as bliss
译文:已执春心蜡炬泪 , 相思一夜尽成灰 。
4、the dry river-bed finds no thanks for its past
译文:憔悴长河枯见底 , 此心不复旧涛声
5、I cannot tell why this heart languishes in silence. it is for small needs it never asks, or knows or remembers.
译文:春心低到尘埃里 , 憔悴于今不自知


6、The world rushes on over the strings of the lingering heart making the music of sadness
译文:底事人间如锦瑟 , 一弦一柱尽秋声
7、God says to man, "i heal you therefore i hurt, love you therefore punish."
译文:检点浮生真捉弄 , 是缘是劫是销魂
8、The mist, like love, plays upon the heart of the hills and bring out surprises of beauty
译文:春心舒卷薄如雾 , 翻作巫山十二云
9、Man barricades against himself
译文:人心漫道不如水 , 半作惊涛半作堤
10、What is this unseen flame of darkness whose sparks are the stars?
【看图猜成语上边一个天下边是英文】译文:相思永夜怜孤影 , 撒落星辰作烛花 。


11、Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves
译文:生与夏花同绚烂 , 死同秋叶两飘零 。
12、The artist is the lover of nature, therefore he is her slave and her master.
译文:山河皆在秋毫里 , 半作君王半作卿 。
13、The great earth makes herself hospitable with the help of the grass
译文:山野欲邀远行客 , 故教芳草染溪桥 。
14、The noise of the moment scoffs at the music of the eternal
译文:可怜下里巴人耳 , 辜负阳春白雪声 。
15、The sadness of my soul is her bride's veil. it waits to be lifted in the night
译文:红纱不解相思泪 , 只待烛花如意来 。


16、Roots are the branches down in the earth. branches are roots in the air
译文:八千盘曲山河叶 , 十万花枝白云根 。
17、I carry in my world that flourishes the worlds that have failed.
