译文:此生诗酒空萧瑟 , 皆是前生泪里来
18、In the moon thou sendest thy love letters to me,i leave my answers in tears upon the gras
译文:锦书寄取西楼月 , 滴落相思野草花 。
19、If you shut your door to all errors truth will be shut out
译文:闭门欲掩杜鹃泪 , 自此长无蝶梦来 。
20、Thou raisest thy waves vainly to follow thy lover, o sea, thou lonely bride of the storm.
译文:惊涛误入春闺梦 , 翻尽浪花不见君
21、Woman, with the grace of your fingers you touched my things and order came out like music.
译文:褪著罗衣凭素手 , 吹来玉树后庭花 。
22、One sad voice has its nest among the ruins of the years. it sings to me in the night, ---i loved you.
译文:玉箫声起乌衣巷 , 按尽春心夜夜听
23、The flaming fire warns me off by its own glow. save me from the dying embers hidden under ashes.
译文:焚心以火莫相问 , 请拾余生劫后灰 。
24、The night opens the flowers in secret and allows the day to get thanks.
译文:遥夜花开仍脉脉 , 却教春昼更真真
25、The world has kissed my soul with its pain, asking for its return in songs.
译文:紫陌缠绵断肠处 , 忍教清泪作歌声 。
26、I spill water from my water jar as i walk on my way,very little remains for my home.
译文:一樽还酹天涯路 , 多少余香落妾家 。
27、The evening sky to me is like a window, and a lighted lamp,and a waiting behind it.
译文:黄昏双似西窗烛 , 剪作归期未有期
28、Toes are the fingers that have forsaken their past.
译文:指长趾短应何似 , 舍却前生是此生
29、Sit still, my heart, do not raise your dust.let the world find its way to you.
译文:独抱冰心犹未染 , 山河星雨自归来
30、The cricket's chirp and the patter of rain come to me through the dark,like the rustle of dreams from my past youth
译文:夜雨寒蝉同淅沥 , 青春幽梦也依稀
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