用could you造句

Would you, could you, on a boat?

Could you show me my bill?

He had a bad cold . Could you give him some advice?
他患了严峻的感冒 你能给他提些建议吗?

Could you get me on an earlier flight ?
你能让我搭上早一点的航班吗? 。

Could you check it again?

用could you造句

Could you tell me how to make it tax-free?

IL: I notice you have a project called "Qimo 4 Kids"; could you explain what it is about, please?

Could you baby - sit for us next Friday?
下星期五你能为我们看小孩吗? 。

用could you造句

Here are my ticket andboarding pass. I couldn't find my check-in baggage. Could you please helpme please?
这是我的机票和登记牌 。我没有找到我的托运行李,请问您能帮我吗? 。

If so, could you come to my house and take the ticket?
如果可以的话,你可不可以来我家拿票 。

用could you造句

Could you fill out this form?
【用could you造句】请你把这张表填一下好吗?
