整套住宅两面环绕着大面积的玻璃窗,使得大部分空间都有充足的采光,而深色的使用最好通过光线来解释,设计中黑色橡木的温暖在明亮的光线之间增加了平衡感。The entire house is surrounded by large-area glass windows, rendering most space with sufficient lighting, and the usage of dark color is better to display through lights, and the warmth of black oak in design has added balance between bright lights.
布局从入户玄关的墙面开始,家政房的隐形门和衣柜门结合墙板转弯延续到客厅空间,顶面和地面的线性光源引导着步入生活空间。The layout starts from the wall of the hallway entrance, turned to the living room space through the hidden door of housekeeping room in combination with the wall plate, following the top and the ground linear light source steps into the living space.
西厨岛台与餐桌相连,材质上选择天然了金属,皮质和岩板,配合西厨的使用为餐厅增加了多种可能性。The western kitchen island is connected to the dining table. Natural metal, leather and slate are selected for the material, being used with western kitchens adds variou possibilities to the restaurant.
客餐厅顶面采用极简的处理手法,内嵌灯光的使用让空间更宽阔;沙发也带有一些慵懒的调性,周围留出了更多的空间给小朋友玩耍;在墙板的尽头是分割空间的隐形门,将私密生活区与共享空间划分为动与静两部分。The top surface of the guest dining room adopts a minimalist approach, and the use of built-in lights makes the space wider; the sofa is also with some lazy tones, leaving more space around for children to play; at the end of the wall panel is an invisible door that divides the private living area and the shared space into two parts of dynamic and quiet.
中厨空间利用大面积的白色扩张空间,玻璃元素的应用让厨房不再枯燥,玻璃门让中厨与西厨之间的互动更加方便。The Chinese kitchen space is made use of large area of ??white expansion space, applying glass elements makes the kitchen no longer boring, and the glass door makes vibrant interaction between the Chinese kitchen and the western kitchen more convenient.
开放式的衣帽间为卧室增加了更多的空间感,衣柜的灯光不仅方便挑选衣物也增加了生活品质,顶面LED光源可以随时调整亮度为进入梦乡而准备。The open cloakroom adds more space to the bedroom. The lighting of the wardrobe not only facilitates the clothing selection but also increases life quality. The top placed LED light source can be adjusted at any time to prepare for a good sleep.
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