the|黑色橡木的温暖在明亮的光线之间增加了平衡感。( 二 )
儿童房和主卧室同时划入静区内,方便对儿童的照看;儿童房内自有天地,随着年龄增长而改变。The children's room and the master bedroom are simultaneously divided into the quiet zone to facilitate taking care of kids; and the children's room has its own space, allowing changes with age.
主卫生间融合了浴缸、淋浴、独立马桶间和盥洗功能;淋浴区不同高度的花洒方便陪伴孩子一起洗澡。The main bathroom contains bathtub, shower, indipendent toilet room and washing functions; showers at different heights in the bathing area make it convenient to company showering with the kids.
钢琴与书柜的融合为书房增添了乐趣,超大的工作台可以多人一起办公使用。The integration of piano and bookcase gives joys to the study, and a large workbench can be used by multiple people.
客卧室的素雅安静又舒适。The guest bedroom is elegant, quiet and comfortable.
- 住房和城乡建设部|农村大门有讲究,为什么都选黑色的,其中暗含多少风水学?
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- 客厅|89平现代三居室,电视背景墙居然是黑色内嵌式
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- 家具|150㎡现代极简,净白空间+木质感,布置黑色家具,效果很高级
- 瓷砖|新房装修,老公不顾反对贴灰色瓷砖,做黑色电视墙,完工后很大气
- 脚线|踢脚线用黑色好看吗?白门选什么颜色踢脚线?