
1,小学生英语与汉语顺口溜 Shelly Salt sells some seashells by the seashore.莎莉-盐 卖了一下贝壳在海边 。



3,英语顺口溜 1. east,west,home is best. (主谓一致) 2. good better best,never let it rest,till good is better,and better best. (比较级与最高级) 3. evening red and morning gray,send the traveler on his way,evening gray and morning red,bring the rain upon his head.(介词on的用法) 4. peter, peter, pumpkin-eater,had a wife and failed to keep herput her into a pumpkin shell (名词修饰名词)there he kept her very well! 你可以把你的要求说的更明确些 。【小学英语顺口溜,小学生英语与汉语顺口溜】

4,适合于小学六年级的英语顺口溜有哪些 同学们,请注意,日常用语要牢记 。早上见面问声好,Good morning不可少 。熟人见面招招手,热情大方说Hello 。Hi比Hello更随便,美国问候最常见 。生人见面要介绍,I am...别忘掉 。要问对方姓和名,What yourname?就能行 。告诉对方名和姓,My name is...最常用 。相识之后表问候,要用Nice to meet you 。上课之前要起立,Stand up要牢记 。让人坐下用Sit down,please可别忘 。Thank you谢谢你,You are welcome别客气 。回答道谢或道歉,Thats all right都能办 。Goodbye是再见,bye-bye往往更随便 。以上用语要牢记,交流起来不费力 。这是教英语顺口溜得视频,你可以看看:http://www.56.com/w69/play_album-aid-8199984_vid-mjixoti0mte.html5,小学一二年级的英语顺口溜小故事谁能给我一些谢 在炎热的夏季,吃西瓜可算得上是一大快事 。这年头儿,虽说西瓜四季都有上市,但惟独在这个季节里让人吃得最为酣畅淋漓 。人们爱吃西瓜不仅为了领略其味儿美,更多的还在于它能够清凉解渴、消暑除烦,令人心情舒畅 。首先,西瓜瓜瓤部分的94%是水分,还有糖、维生素、多种氨基酸以及少量的无机盐,这些物质最能在高温时节有效地补充人体所需的水分和营养;其次,所摄入的水分和无机盐通过代谢成小便,还能带走多余的热量,达到清暑益气的作用 。李时珍在《本草纲目》中把吃西瓜的好处叙述得非常详尽,他说西瓜甘寒无毒,不仅“消烦止渴,解暑热”,而且“宽中下气,利小水,治血痢,解酒毒,治口疮” 。医书中还把西瓜称作“天生白虎汤”,白虎汤是中医治疗高热、烦渴等实热病征的得力良方,说吃西瓜就能达到这一方剂的作用,足见医家对它的重视程度了 。在今天看来,夏季中暑或其他急性热病出现的发热、口渴、尿少、汗多、烦躁等征,可通过吃西瓜来进行辅助治疗 。此外,西瓜的入药部分还有被中医称作“西瓜翠衣”的瓜皮 。其实,瓜皮在清暑涤热、利尿生津方面的作用远胜于瓜瓤,只是识得此物之人不多罢了 。瓜皮只要经过稍加修制,就能成为夏季里一道难得的解暑菜品 。最简单的方法莫过于削掉其外面的粗硬绿皮和残留的瓜瓤,切成条状,以麻油、精盐及糖、醋拌食;也可与葱姜肉片等物一起爆炒,淋薄芡起锅,均清香宜人,尝后使人胃口大开 。还应细说的是,西瓜虽好,但它总属寒凉之品,素体虚寒胃弱之人如若贪食过多,易引起腹痛、腹泻;它还不宜与油腻之物一同食用;西瓜若与温热的食物或饮料同吃,则寒热两不调和,易使人呕吐 。西瓜切开后,应尽快将其吃完,否则其甜美多汁的瓜瓤,最易成为细菌理想的“培养基”;而吃冰箱里存放的西瓜时,取出后一定要在常温中放置一会儿再吃,以免损伤身体 。6,给几个英语顺口溜 ONE APPLE A DAY,KEEP DOCTOR AWAY...Spring is gay with flower and songSummer is hot and leave cold alone,Autumn is rich with fruit and grain,Winter snows and brings new year too.人生本来很HAPPY何必苦苦STUDY不如找个帅BOY 组成一个FAMILY 生下一小BABY大把大把挣MONEY 呵呵,纯属娱乐,学习还是重要的啦1.Good, better, best,never let it rest,till good is better,and better is best.2.I shall not see the shadows,I shall not feel the rain,I shall not hear the nightingaleSing on as if in pain,And dreaming through the twilight,That doth not rise nor set,Happy I may remember,And Haply I may forget.3.Evening red and morning gray,Send the traveler on his way,Evening gray and morning red,Bring the rain upon his head.4.what is pink?A rose is pink,By the fountains brink,What is blue? The sky is blue.Where the clouds float through,What is yellow? Pears are yellow,Rich, ripe and mellow.What is green? The grass is green,With small flowers among,What is orange? Why, An orange,Just an orange.5,The moon is in the sky,It is far and high,Lets go to the moon,Lets ride a rocket and fly.6.Twinkle, twinkle, little star,how I wonder what you are,Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.7.Spring is gay with flower and song;Summer is hot and leave cold alone,Autumn is rich with fruit and grain,Winter snows and brings new year too.8.There was a lady from Rica,who rode with a smile on a tiger,they returned from a ride,with a lady inside,and the smile on the face of the tiger.9.In winter I got up at night,And dress by yellow candle light,In summer quite the other way,I have to go to bed by day.
