


2,2011年广州中考英语试题答案我是高三英语教师 今天做了下中考题 答案如下 有疑问的可以提出:16-25 ABCCB DADBA 26-35 ADCBB CBCAD 36-45 BCDCC DBAAB 单词:pity helpful rain free answer 完成句子:In fact Both and How fast why you were are cleaned 阅读:A:ACBCD B:BCBDA C:DCADB D:BAACD我是高三英语教师 今天做了下中考题 答案如下 有疑问的可以提出:16-25 ABCCB DADBA 26-35 ADCBB CBCAD 36-45 BCDCC DBAAB 单词:pity helpful rain free answer 完成句子:In fact Both and How fast why you were are cleaned 阅读:A:ACBCD B:BCBDA C:DCADB D:BAACD

3,2011广州中考各科总分是多少 1.语数英都是150分,(其中英语笔试100,口语15,听力35),政治物理化学都是100分,广州体育60分,总810分; 2.历史地理生物美术音乐...不计入总分【2011广州中考英语,2011广州中考满分是多少分可以的话顺便说一下各科满分分数】

4,2011年广州中考英语口语考试考些什么第一题(5分)是考朗读,书内的文章,不单是RA,RB,MORE....都有可能考第二题(5分)情景对话第三题(5分)口头作文希望您满意,不懂可以追问,希望您采纳5,2011中考英语真题 首先你必须明白答题的一般规律 。时态题中经常有比较现在完成时和一般过去时的题目,一般过去时适用于属于过去的一个动作 。而现在完成时的句子表示的是一直持续到现在的动作或者过去的动作对现在的影响 本题中过去的某一天看电影只是一般的过去的动作,没有强调一直持续到现在的动作或者过去的动作对现在的影响6,2011广州中考培正2009年第一批公费686 择校6782010年第一批公费652 择校6855中2009:公费线 663 择校线:683 2010年:公费线 650 择校线:665按照去年和前年的趋势有降有升但是不会很大、培正最高高到690左右、五中高也不过690(望采纳)根据2009和2010的中考情况来看嘛2009年,公费: 华师附中745,省实727,执信726,广雅713,二中702,六中7062010年,公费:省实733,华师附中732,执信720,广雅715,二中714,六中696所以我估计2011年,省实和华附不会低于730,执信和广雅715分以上比较保险,二中和六中700分以上就好啦~7,中考总分多少考试地方不同,所考科数不同,总分也不一样 。语文,数学,英语都是有点,有些地方每门120分,有些地方每门150分,视不同省份而定 。在临近中考期间,大家应适量做些体育活动,锻炼身体,放松心情 。各地中考总分如下:深圳中考分数语文120,数学、外语各100分、物理70分、化学50分、历史70分、道德与法治50分、体育与健康50分,总分满分为610分 。广州中考分数语文120,数学120,外语120分、物理100分、化学100分、历史90分、道德与法治90分、体育与健康70分,总分满分为810分 。常熟中考分数语文130分、物理100分、数学130分、历史50分、道法50分(开卷)、英语130分、化学100分,文化课总分690分 。沈阳中考分数语文、数学、外语(笔试100分,听力口语考试20分)各120分、物理85分、化学65分、历史60分、道德与法治40分、生物学50分、地理40分、体育与健康60分,总分满分为760分 。中考是知识的考试,是能力的考试,也是心理的测试,大家一定要调节自己的心态 。8,2011年中考英语试题谁知道 2010年英语中考模拟卷!卷 一第一部分 听力部分一、 听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,共25分)第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片 。() 1. Which sport does the boy like?A.B.C. () 2. How will tomorrows weather be?A.B.C. () 3. Where has the man been?A.B.C. A. () 4. Why didnt the boy go to school yesterday?A.B.C. () 5. Whats that girl doing over there?A.B. C.第二节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项 。() 6. What color does the man like?A. Green. B. White. C. Blue.() 7. Where is the glass made?A. Macao. B. Hongkong. C. Shanghai.() 8. Whats it made of?A. Plastic. B. Glass. C. Paper.() 9. How much is the glass?A. 22. B. 20. C. 12.() 10. Where did the dialogue happen?A. In a shop. B. In a office. C. In a factory.第三节:听独白,请根据提问从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表 。Name 11. _______________. Ticket price 14. ___________________. Date 12. ___________ 18th. Train number 15. ___________________. Time 13.________________.() 11.Who is going on a business trip?Simon B. Smith C. Sato() 12. What date will the meeting start?June 18th B. February 18th C. January 18th () 13. What time will his train leave?10:30 B. 3:30 C. 10:10() 14.How much is the train ticket?A. 206 B. 216 C. 260() 15. Which train will he take?A. K33 B.K23 C.K13第二部分笔试部分单项填空 (本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 。() 16. ---Good morning! Doctor! ---Whats _____ matter with you?A. a B. an C. the D. /() 17. --- ___________ exciting story it is! ---Yes, I cant help reading it.A. What B. What a C. What an D. What the() 18. ---Why do you go out in your old clothes? ---Do you know the “Greener China”? More trees must _________.A. be bought B. be planted C. be carried D. be watered () 19. ---Which would you like, rice or noodles? ---I ________ noodles to rice.A. prefer B. lend C. like D. enjoy() 20. ---What did the little boy say?---He said that he ________to the kitchen.A. is B. was C. has been D. had been() 21. ---Hi! Youve come back from the journey.---Yeah. I enjoyed ______ the mountains there.A. climb B. to climb C. climbing D. climbed() 22. ---Shes so great. Shes the pride _____ Zhejiang. ---I think so. We all should learn from her.A. in B. of C. from D. to () 23. --- How poor that man is! ----He really lives in a(an)______ life.A. unhappy B. unlike C. underground D. undersea() 24. ---Is that your pencil sharpener?---No, its not mine. Its the girls. ______ is light green.A. Mine B. Yours C. His D. Hers() 25. ---There are thousands of students in my school. How about yours? ---Much smaller. There are only _____ students in it.A. thousands ofB. hundreds of C. millions of D. billions of () 26.--- What are you saying? I cant hear it ______. -----Sorry. Maybe the line is bad. Ill speak more loudly.A. quietly B. quickly C. loudly D. clearly() 27.--- What time is it now, Tina? --- Oh, my dear! Youll be late for the meeting ______ you take a taxi.A. unless B. until C. that D. so() 28. ---How much is your beautiful pen? --- Its ___________ than others, so Ive bought only one.A. a little cheaper B. much more expensive C. a little weaker D. much more beautiful我都会了 !!!!LL每个省市的网上都有试题哦~~~
