4,高考英语翻译真题有哪些高考英语翻译真题如下:1、You can sit for a while,and I will see to/look after these six pieces of luggage/baggage.你坐一会,我来看管这六件行李 。(look)2、Do cover your mouth and nose with a tissue/tissues when (you are) sneezing.打喷嚏时,务必用纸巾遮住口鼻 。(Do)3、The gray-haired diplomat ran into/came across/encountered an old friend,reminding him of the youthful days when he was striving for his ideal.这位头发花白的外交官与老友不期而遇,脑海中浮现出那段为理想而奋斗的青春岁月 。(remind)4、This late trailblazers/pioneers former residence is an unimpressive wooden house/log bin,which is now under repair and tourists/visitors are expected/set to see its real look at the end of June.这位已故先驱者的故居是一间不起眼的木屋,现在修复中,游客有望在六月底一睹其真容 。(under)5、The badminton court/hall/gym/stadium is empty,but/and how come the lights are still on?羽毛球馆空无一人,为什么灯还亮着?(how come)
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