托福口语题及答案 托福考试口语题与托福训练题

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托福 口语题及答案
在托福口语备考中 , 想要快速提升自己的托福口语能力 , 除了不断的累积自己的词汇和句型之外 , 从TPO练习入手也不失为一个不错的方法 。那么 , 在以下内容我们就为大家带来TPO38托福独立口语题目文本及答案解析 。

托福口语题及答案 托福考试口语题与托福训练题

TPO 38 S1
Your friend is thinking about getting a pet and asks for your advice. What kind of pet would you recommend for your friend? Explain the reasons for your recommendation.
Preparation Time: 15 seconds
Response Time: 45 seconds
I will recommend golden retrievers to my friend. First, golden retrievers are very clever. They can be trained to fetch shoes or to shake hands with people. They can also give response when people call their names. The second reason is golden retrievers are faithful to their master. They will bravely protect your home when someone break into your house. If you have a little baby, your dog will take care of him during short leaves of the grown-ups. Golden retrievers are good companies and loyal guardians. This makes them the first choice when people consider which kind of pet to have.
Which of the following functions of smart phones most beneficial to students?
1)taking photos 2) listening to the music 3)recording lectures
Sample answer:
In my point of view, listening to music is most beneficial to students when they use their smart phones. The reasons are as follows. First, listening to the music is an effective way for students to relax themselves. It is the fact that nowadays students are quite busy with their schoolwork for nearly whole week. So in their limited spare time, it really helps students release their stress from study by choosing some sweet and beautiful songs or music to listen and allowing them to forget their heavy study tasks for a little while. Besides, music can please almost everyone, but not all the students like taking photos and it’s unnecessary for most of them to record lectures with their smart phones.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: a boss or a manager should not form close friendship with their employees.
Sample answer :
Well, I disagree with the statement. Because managers who try to be friends with their staff run into all sorts of problems. A manager’s job is to evaluate staff’s work, give them feedback and make decisions. If the boss makes friends with a certain employee. Others will think the employee has an unfair advantage at performance review time, thus resentment will start to build up. What’s more, when it comes time for promotions, an employee may have expectations that as a friend, the boss will promote him or her. While the boss should choose the best person for the job, not a friend. This could create tension in and out of the workplace.
2016年10月15日托福口语真题Task 3
Reading:学校为大一新生举行一场fair, 让他们更好地了解大学生活和课程 , 同时还会有大三大四的学生来分享经验 , 给新生建议 。
Listening:男生同意 。
Because 1)可以帮助新生更好地了解专业;
2) 不同人有不同的见解 , 选课的时候也能选择更适合自己的课程 。
2016年10月15日托福口语真题Task 4
Reading: 社交模仿行为:通过模仿对方行为从而获得对方好感 , 最终说服对方的一种心理战术 。
Listening : 教授做了个实验:把推销人员分两组 , 都是推销饮料 , 一组模仿对方的行为方式 , 一组没有这么做 , 最后前一组明显获得了更好的业绩 。
